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As Dorea walked the halls in the early morning she recounted last nights moments. She'd practically skipped into bed, already ready to forget about the massive embarrasment she'd caused that night. Dorea had seen two boys together but she had never thought of to girls. She never thought that was a thing that happened, but now that she'd seen it it was so clear. It was so obvious that if a boy could do it so could girls.

She rushed through the halls her feet not making any noise due to her lack of shoes. The stone floors were cold on her socked feet, she ignored the growing bad feeling in her stomach as she practically ran. She stood before the giant unicorn begging silently for a door to appear.

The door indeed did appear but when she entered she did not see what she wanted. She didn't see Darling, instead she saw the room she'd saw last night with a green and silver tie on the floor. It practically mocked her. She picked it up harshly, her eyebrows knitting her face growing hotter.

She searched all over the room but no darling, she ran out of the room hotheaded. Her skirt twirled behind her. She wore a yellow sweater almost covering her skirt. She was fuming by the time she got to the bottom of the steps. She ran down the halls of the cold dungeons despite the sweating heat outside the dungeons never failed to be cold. She scowled as she rammed on the dark door in front of her, lit only by candle light.

She banged on it again and again. Until an older boy opened it.

"i'd like to see Regulus Black." she said anger evident in her voice. The boy looked back a moment with a smirk.

"and why would i help you?"

"because I'd like to beat his ass." she said bluntly

"he's quite popular you know, if someone found out you hurt him people would come running" he said amused by the young girl.

"just bring him out here. i won't tell anyone you were the one who did it. You can say i threatened you."

"hah being threatened by a stupid hufflepuff would make me a laughing stock" his smirk rose.

"what is it do i need to do to get you to bring him out here." His smirk grew

"what is your name kid?"

"Dorea." she said coldly just wanting to punch Regulus in the face. The boy's smile turned to something deadly.

"ah the infamous Dorea Black. " he taunted

"who are you." she said impaitently.

"Rosier. Taylor Rosier."

Dorea's face dropped, her anger vanishing and turning into hidden fear but she kept her annoyed expression.


"so tell me where you're hiding if you wish to see your dear Regulus."

"no." her voice stayed calm but her breathing began to raise.

"people have been looking for you."

"so I've been told."

"if I was the one to have found you I'd be rewarded.. pricelessly." he grinned at the word priceless. His eyes showed something dangerous and he looked at her like she was a piece of prized meat.

"yes maybe you'd finally impress that brother of yours"

Taylor's smirk turned to a vicous scowl. He dangerously grabbed Dorea's shoulders and threw her into the common room. It was early so there was only a three people sitting on the couch. Seph, Regulus, and a boy she didn't recognise. She'd landed on her feet so she scanned the room. Dark oak and velvetty green. A large window of dark, the black lake. creatures swam by making the room any more eery. Though there was something calm about the room, something comforting.

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