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"please Mrs I'm alright just let me-" Dorea began, looking pleading at her "I will do better, I won't play quiditch, I'll be a good Black just let me go" she paused "I won't say abything, I'll be good just please please-"

"a lady never begs Dorea, though if you must beg. YOU BEG" she raised her hand and Dorea  was lifted from the couch, thrown hastilly onto the floor. She sat in a begging position for what felt like hours, she couldn't even move her eyes. They grew dry. Dryer than her mouth. 

She was let off the spell and her body relaxed onto the floor.

"A lady never hugs the floor"

Dorea scrambled to her feet

"now Dorea, I can tell by your..features that you have felt pain before" she was reffering to the scar that hung on Dorea's face. She didn't know why that was there. "lets not let that happen again"She laid her hand on Dorea's cheek. It was not for comfort, it was for stradegy.

"you are to act like a little lady Dorea. You are to be the spectical of perfection. No more of your little rebellion. That will do none of use, you are only hurting yourself"

"and I'd rather keep hurting myself than let you win without a fight"

"ah so you've spent some time with my son, that will make things difficult" she smirked "but I've delt with younger Sirius before, you my dear are my new little project. I've always wanted a daughter. Now I get to mold my niece into the perfect wife"

"I'm sorry wife? I'm twelve."

"I am aware of your age is there an issue" a stupid question

"of course there's an issue, I don't want to be here, I don't want any of your lessons, and I most deffinetly am not going to be any sort of wife any time soon." Dorea spat

"Well well, the mouth on you, we will put a stop to that." a squirt in her face again "you will do as I say, you will become what I want you to be, and nothing more. Do I make myself clear"

Dorea said nothing just rubbed her eyes.

"when I ask you a question, I expect you to answer in a polite tone, so I will ask again. Do I make myself clear"

"yes" a lie, she spoke crystal clear. A lie disguised in truth. Dorea had always hated to lie, but this woman was not a fried, she was not family, she was not anything. This woman deserved to be lied to.

"good" Walburga circled around the girl,  she brushed her hand on Dorea's tamed bouncy bown curls, they were held back by a black bow just like the day before. Her heels clicked as she violated Dorea's personal space. "your room is third on the left, beside Regulus'"

Dorea walked through the sound barrier quickly grabbing her trunk. She walked up the stairs quietly and into the large room. It had a bed beside a rather large window and a desk. It had a dresser and a closet, a vanity was beside the window on the other side. Dorea sighed and slid down the inner wall as she shut the door.

She began thinking of everything, school, life, and her current situation. She had left Darling in Remus' care, she gave little reason to him but he gladly excepted knowing Sirius' position and connecting the dots so that was alright she didn't have to worry about her. But the problem was, she was far away from where she'd seen Newt on that day in the woods, even if he magically was at his house how would she get there if she needed to.

She was hopeless, udderly hopeless.

"Puff?" the door opened and Sirius saw her, her knees against her chest as she sat on the floor her back pressed up against the wall beside the door. Without a seconds thought he walked around her and sat beside her. His knees spread slightly as he leaned against the wall. "puff why'd they bring you here?"

"they found out about quiditch" Dorea's voice was barely a whisper, she stared straight ahead. She stared like it was a void of darkness. Like it was the last thing on the planet of Earth. Like it was the last thing she truly had left, though it was just a speck of dust.


"every time I do something that makes me happy they find out and destroy it"

"Dor I'm so sorry, what did she do?"

"I guess I have to stay here now"

"they disowned you?"

"no. they think she's harsher. They think she'll be able to" Dorea paused a moment taking a breath. She looked to her right where Sirius sat. She looked him in the eyes. "to..break me"

"well that's not happening" he huffed and began to stand up. Dorea pulled him arm and he sat back down, Dorea leaned into his side resting her head on his shoulder.

"she treated me like a dog. like a pet to be trained" he sat there and listened "she sprayed me how a muggle would use a spray bottle to disiplin a dog." she repositioned her head "except whatever she sprayed from her wand was salty and it stung, I suppose she thought basic water wouldn't work well"

"she did what?" his heart sped up. He  had expierienced his mother treating him like an animal, like a rabbid animal but to see it happen on someone so close to him. She looked so confused, so hurt, so disrespected.

"it's only over christmas right? That's just two weeks right?" she spoke, sounding lost

"right" he hugged her closer

"she wishes me to be a lady, like to be a good wife"

"you're twelve"

"that's what I said but she's like 'I'm aware' like what??" she giggled quietly

"it'll be ok. I won't let her hurt you" though they both knew he couldn't keep that promise, there were ways to get what you want, especially if you're Walburga Black.


Heh quick update 

double or nothing am I right?

I don't have much more to say lol

I can't wait to watch end game and welp then I'm gonna watch Falcon and the winter soldier I can't believe it's out!!

I finished a book today for class and now I have to write a 5 paragraph essay about it, I don't think it'll be hard but take into account that I hated the book and it was extremely boring so finding and making this essay the least bit intreaguing will be a challenge.

Anywho I cannot type for the life of me, I always tap the wrong key first and end up writing htaed ad stuff like that.

have a good day/night


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