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Dear Dorea Belvina Black,

Hello dear, just making sure you remember to be a good girl. Your parents requested you stay over the summer, you're skating on thin ice deary. Be careful, cause maybe you might just slip. Then where would we be. Safe skating miss.

-Walburga Black

Dorea quit the quiditch team, giving them no reason. She couldn't be taken under again. She assured herself that this wasn't the end of her battle, she was just staying on the safe side. She didn't tell the mauraders.

She went to her classes with a fake smile, she walked through the halls looking down, she lived her life under the radar. She wanted to be alone, she wanted to be as far away from everyone as she could. She felt as though the danger trailed behind her.  As if they were always watching. She had no idea how she'd feel just months later.

The fear trickled her spine, everywhere she went. Her only companion was Darling. She still was friends with Lila, Amos, and everyone but she put on a mask when talking to them. Putting up a guard they didn't know she had before.

A strange sense of sadness filled her when she realized no one noticed. No one was coming to her rescue. No one knew, so no one cared. People only care once it affects them. Once they feel obligated to help.

No one cared.

The spring breeze blew behind her ears. The spring trip to Hogsmeade had come and she tracked down to the small village.

"Hey Puff" Remus said she jumped, and when he placed a hand on her shoulder she flinched. "Puff are you alright?"

"just fine thank you Remus, how are you?"

"I'm alright, are you sure you're good"

"just peachy"

She walked up the path, into an old book store. She looked at the titles, running her fingers on the dusted spines.

"well hello there" a cold voice came from behind her. She turned and saw that stupid smug face. She didn't say anything and turned back around to the books. "well you should respond shouldn't you"


"little miss, you should respect me"

"but I should not"

"your little fights will not put up, you are losing, the clock keeps ticking, one second closer to the revolution"

"I would never join you"

"we'll see" he began to walk away. 

"no I will not, ever get that filthy thought out of your head!"

"One child cannot take on 50 men, one rabbit cannot fight 30 wolves, it's just not how nature works. You are at the bottom of the food chain dear, sorry to break it to you but I get what I want"

"I assure you, you do not want me"

"you have your talents"

"Mr. Riddle I could go on for days about why I am not fit to be one of your followers starting with, I hate you"

"that will change soon"

"hah we'll see"


Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into summer. Dorea wished she had more to tell of the year, though the truth is, she fell farther back into her head, she checked behind her back more, and she hid behind a fake smile.

The sun was shining, the sky was cloudless. Dorea looked into the mirror, she was wearing a black lace dress that was a tight fit. It hugged her, she didn't like it very much but she couldn't deny that it looked good on her. She sighed.

She had to be happy, she had to be a good sister. This was Cissa's big day, she couldn't ruin it. Dorea walked down the stairs to see Cissa in the most beautiful white wedding gown. It hugged her body and was silky, it had the most lovely train. Dorea squealed in excitement when she saw her sister. Her blonde locks were braided into a loose side braid, she looked like an angel.

"You look so lovely Cissa" she smiled

"I know!!" she squealed, she had a hand maid doing last minute touches to her dress.

"you're the most beautiful bride"

"Do you think Lucious will like it?"

"oh I think he'll fall in love with you all over when he see's you"

"do you think so?!"

"yes Cissa, no question" Narcissa peaked out the curtain to see their big backyard decked in decorations making it look beautiful. Everyone was conversing and taking their seats.

"everyone's here!" she squealed


Narcissa grabbed Doreas hands and squeezed them. it was her turn to come out and Dorea was to hold her train. Narcissa walked out, like the queen she was. She stole the entire show, but she didn't care. She was just staring into Lucious' eyes, smiling and crying soft happy tears. Lucious smiled too.

They reached the top of the pew, Bellatrix, being a brides maid stood beside Cisssa, and Dorea beside Bellatrix. It was such beautiful weather. Everything was perfect. Narcissa and Lucious joined hands, performing an unbreakable vow.

The priest told them their vows.

"I do" Lucious said, his eyes threatening to slip a tear or two as he stared at his beautiful loving wife.

"I do" Narcissa smiled her eyes spilling tear after tear of happiness.

They broke their hands and Lucious slipped on the gorgous emerald ring.

Narcissa raised her hand to show the crowd.

They were happy, they were a happy couple.  This was her happily ever after. This was Narcissa's fairy tale. Narcissa and Lucious' love story might not have been the kind you tell in a shakespearian love story, but it was true love, it was pure, loyal, love.


Okay hi

I know I know short one and it's been a while and it wasn't that good

ugh this week sucked

I was right to be anxious my goodness

I'm so glad it's over.

How would you guys feel if I time skipped again? I hate it when I do that but idk. Something really important is gonna happen next christmas so idk.

you know what I've just thought of something so nvm

have a good day/night


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