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The Black family was written in the stars, literally. They named their kids after the shiny lights in the sky in hopes they'd one day shine just like them. But they don't want their kids to grow and become their own person they want a shiny new chess set with a new game board. They want a spotless new toy to play with. Because life to them is just a big game of shoots and ladders. And everyone who lives that way will never be happy.

Dear my darling dorea, 

I included some photos of Dora, she has a new interest in toy cars and it reminded me of you. We got her a broom and she's been eagerly awaiting someone to fly with her because Ted and I are always so busy with the bakery. But that leads me to the main reason I wrote you, Ted and I have a proposal. Come stay with us over the summer. I want to see my little sister again, i want you to meet your niece. I know its risky but if you want your stay could be more permanent. Take some time and think over it.

Your sister,


The words were hopeful, and sincere. Andie really did want her to come out and see Dora. Meet her family, stay in her house. The great hall was to loud to think so she excused herself from the hufflepuff table walking back to her dorm. Her face was cloudy, she couldn't figure out what feeling it was. It was foggy, she couldn't feel anything. A heaviness in her chest, but no thoughts.

She tapped the barrels and walked quickly to her dorm. It was empty. She sat down on her bed and stared at Andies signature. The letter was everything she ever wanted. But she couldn't have it. If she had only stuck it out for a few more weeks she could've had everything she wanted. A family, a home. A life far away from the Black's. She could be a Tonks. But even responding to this letter could make them a target in the eyes of Riddle.

She couldn't tell Andie she's a death eater. Dorea would never forgive herself for joining them. It would've been better if she had just promised herself to a boy who she hated. Then she could've run away to andie's house by the sea. She could've been happy.

Voices sounded from the hall, dinner was over. She got up and left her dorm and the common room. She needed to be alone. She thought that would be best. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what she could do.

She walked up stairs and down corridors, just wandering. not really knowing where she should go or what she should do. She turned a corner and found herself in a hallway full of portraits. The sun halfway down was shining on the paintings. She walked down the corridor as she had the others but these paintings saw through her. They stared into her soul, and after a moment one stopped her in her tracks.

"how could you turn your back on your friends" a woman spoke calmly, a kind voice. Another followed suit "how could you go against hogwarts?" a mans voice this time, it was calm as well but his face was angry. "How could you join with the snakes?" the man spoke again.

"I had no choice-" Dorea said turning to look him in the eye

"There's always a choice." Another woman spoke "you were selfish"

"I turly didn't have any other option"

"you could've married that boy" the first woman growled "you could've fought. You pledged you'd always fight. Where are you now?"

"how do you know about that?" she whispered

"you're an open book, no guards no walls. You let us in with open arms." A man said

"no i didn't"

"yes you did, you walked in our corridor, we didn't barge in on you. you traitor"

"I'm not a traitor"

"than what's that mark on your arm?" she turned and began to walk away but as she passed paintings they all seemed to have a comment.

"disgusting"  said a girl

"filthy" brown eyes

"liar" curly hair

"careless" a scar down her face

"selfish" she was sat smiling smug

"disgrace" each painting had become herself. Sitting smiling, waiting, for her to break.

She ran away from the hall of horrors.

She found herself in a room far away from the main part of the castle. She was hugging her knees but those people stayed in her head. their words. She wanted someone to tell her everything was going to be okay. She wanted someone to hug were, to smile and say it was all a bad dream.

She heard footsteps and stood up ready to see Seph or the mauraders but instead the person who rounded the corner was a short girl. Her hair neatly in braids, little highlights in her brown hair. Her shirt slightly loosened from her skirt. She was young. She was Rea. The fighter. A girl who would never crack like she had just now. 

Rea walked toward Dorea but as she approached the tear stained girl Rea scowled. She stood in front of her older self and raised her hand and slapped Dorea. Dorea flinched and closed her eyes when the impact came but when her eyes reopened Rea was no where to be seen and in her place was a familiar boy.

"bloody hell" Sirius muttered. he stood staring at her forearm. Dorea didn't notice until now her sleeves her rolled up slightly. Sirius walked quickly over and rolled her sleeve up all the way. When the skull glimmered in the setting sunlight he raised his head to meet her gaze. His expression was unreadable. "how could you" he whispered anger filling his eyes. Dorea dropped the letter.

"How could you do this to us?"

"Sirius I didn't have a choice" she pleaded just as she had with the paintings

"there's always a choice. i chose. I guess you did to" he glared at her. "you turned your back on the mauraders, on your friends. You knew what you were doing. You fool." he stepped back. "just know when it all comes down to it I won't be scared to fight you. When the war comes, just as we all know it will I will stand on my side and you will stand on yours. You just made yourself my enemy dorea Black. you could've come to me. I could've helped you."


"it's to late." Sirius Black glowered at the girl he still loved, and at the mark that ruined her.

"please don't leave Sirius- let me explain"

"I can't even look at you" he turned on his heal. The map in one hand. He'd wondered why she was off in some random tower in a far corner so he'd come out looking fr her only to see she'd betrayed him. "save me the sob story. there always seems to be one."


Have a good day/night


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