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The first week back had gone well. Heck the second week back was amazing. But the third? Everything was riding on this one moment.

She'd practiced quiditch with the team, but this was the first game. She was scared. She hadn't told anyone about her choice but she knew this had to be done. It was only so long until Cissa told Mother about her playing so it might as well be a statement that she played and not something she was ashamed of. She hadn't even told any of the maurders about her decision.

She walked out of the busy school, students were swarming about in their friend groups. 

She saw Lilly with Severus, he seemed upset and he was yelling at Lilly.

Dorea walked over and stood next to Lilly. Neither seemed to notice and Severus continued to yell at Lilly.

"-I can't believe you would speak to those dim whits Lilly, you're so much better than that they don't deserve your presenc-"

"I get to choose who I speak to Sev, you aren't my master"

"well I just don't understand why you would even consider wasting your time with those idiotic freaks..ESPEICIALLY since they call me that horrid name"

"Sev I know you're sensitive-"

"Sensitive? SENSITIVE? Lilly you';re the one being sensitive, you let your stupid feelings for Potter get in the way of our friendship" he screamed, Dorea backed up a bit, out of the line of fire.

"I do not have feelings for Potter"

"of course you do Lils it's obvious, why don't you just say it Evans? I'm sure he'd love to hear it from you" he yelled coldly

"Sev I know you're upset but you have no right to assume things about me-"

"no right? No right? I've known you for years Evans, I should've knwon you were nothing but a filthy little mud blood"

Severus clasped a hand over his mouth when he realised what he said. Lilly's face hardened. Dorea grabbed Lilly's hand and squeezed it.

"And I should've known you were nothing but a possesive lying snob Snivillus" she spat at him "come on Dor we have other places to be"

"yeah run away with your little monster pet"

Dorea spun around dropping Lilly's hand. She walked up to him, every step she took he took a step back. He pushed against the tree behind him.

"I am not a monster, and most certainly I am not a pet." she coldly spoke, her voice was clear and unshaken. She'd heard worse.

"you think I don't know how you got those sweet little scars?" He took a step foward and she a step back.

"step back Snivvelis" James yelled from up the hill as he and Sirius ran down.

"oh look your owners have come to take you home, they better unlock the dog door"

"she's not a pet Snivvelus, I advise you shut the fuck up now."

"how about no."

"how about we fix the problem" Sirius sneered and punched him i the face, Severus' head banged against the trunk and blood spat from his nose.

"he needed a nose job anyway" Sirius smirked he looked back for Dorea but didn't see her, instead he saw her with Lilly comforting her.

"Damn sirius, that first day when you said she wasn't a  snake you couldn't have been more right. She like a fucking rabbit with razor teeth"

"mutant bunny"


She wandered around in a small clearing, she wandered a bit farther and heard the familiar voice she was searching for.

"calm down Pick" he rattled.

"hi" she joiced as she walked over to him.

"well hello"

"I have a question"


"do you think I should play quiditch with my mask this year?" she asked almost a whisper "cause I'm nervous people will get angry"

"you can't control what people think Dor. You can't control what your parents think but you can decide what you think. Do you want to keep being their little minion and have a blood family, or do you want to be yourself, and stop hiding behind their shadows." he smiled a bit at her "be known for being you not for being them"

He walked away after that leaving Dorea out in the middle of the woods. She sat on a stump running a finger over the scar on her hand. People had been surprised when they'd seen her face, some pittied her. Some thought she was revolting and some just ignored her. She didn't mind them not caring, she didn't need their pitty.

Dorea wanted to be known for being her, for being a maurader, for being a quiditch player, for being a hufflepuff, for doing something good. If she hid beneath her families reputation she'd never do anything good. She'd never be known for being Dorea she'd be known for being a Black.If she stayed she'd be swept into that weird cult, just the way Bella had.

Rea promised herself she wouldn't go how Bella did. She knew if she joined she'd die, she'd become Dorea Black, not Bear, not Puff, not Rea she'd be Dorea. She couldn't let them play match maker and through her around like a doll on strings. She'd snap her twig arms and cut her yarn hair before she did that, before she gave in and drowned in the dark water. She'd make it out alive. And if she didn't people would know her as the girl who tried. The girl who fought. She would fight until her last breath, fight until she took her last step.

She'd fight to leave, she'd fight for justice.

If not for herself, for Lilly, and for Lila.


Do you like the length of my updates or do you want them longer? (Please let me know)

I don't really like this chapter but it needed to be written.  :( I don't like to just write chapters I like to love each and every one and not release it unless I love it but I guess this isn't my highest point.

So uh my doom was yesterday and turns out it wasn't my doom.

Well it kind of was but it wasn't.

It was just really boring and I didn't enjoy it, I have to go back on Friday tho.

I just feel like we should focus on vaccines before we go back to school. It just seems like more trouble than it's worth.

But enough about me, how are you all?

I know it took me a hot sec to get this one out but I wrote the first half on the first and the second half today so they might sound like two voices, cause on the first I was anxious and angry about having to go back and today I'm just kinda eh.

Please Please stay warm, grab some socks and a blanket.

Take a walk outside if it's sunny, drink some water.

Have a good day/night


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