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The marauders all sat on the floor of the room of requirement as Sirius poured veritaserum in glasses, secretly though. He passed the glasses to each marauder leaving the last for himself.

"now truth or dare Peter"


"I dare you to drink that entire glass in one gulp"

Peter hesitated before drowning himself in the liquid. Dorea sat on a couch away from the drinking game, Remus sat beside her.

"Truth or dare James"

"Dare" he smirked

"I dare you to not look at Evans for a week"

"come on mate don-"

"a dares a dare Prongs" Dorea yelled from across the room

"shut it Puff" he scowled

"truth or dare Sirius I guess"


"I dare you to make out with M'kinnon " Sirius' eyes widened, they blinked in Remus' direction.

"no thanks Potter"

"a dares a dare Pads" James quoted patting his shoulder. 

"I chicken"

"chickens are for first years"

"then I'm a first year" Dorea smirked boredly at the ceiling listening to the banter. "truth or dare Peter"


"who is the sexiest person here?" Sirius smirked at Peter as he spoke, knowing he could not lie

"You Pads" 

"you here that Prongs I am the sexiest"

"shut it Pads"

"truth or dare Siri?" Peter muttered

"truth I suppose"

"who's your crush?" Sirius blinked secretly glad he hadn't drunk the potion.

"I don't have one at-"

"oh come on Pads we all know thats a lie, you're a ladies man there has to be someone"

"yeah who's the special girl Pads?" 

"really, no one"

"I bet it's Marlene" James smirked

"it's not-"

"oh yeah it is" James laughed "I bet you think about her when-" 

"come on Puff it's time to go" Remus quickly interuppted

"oh come on Mooney you're being a buzzkill-" James whined

He yanked Dorea off the couch

"oh no I think she's alright" Remus covered her ears again and Dorea groaned

"you can't say that stuff in front of her" Remus whispered

"she lives a sheltered life as it is" James retorted

"still she's so young"


"James she's twelve"

"almost thirteen" Sirius hollered


"fine fine I'm sure she's tired of being smothered" he rolled his eyes "for a fifteen year old you sure act middle aged" James groaned fucking

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