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Humanity preaches balance, equality, justice, truth, but in this world how much of that do we really get?

Dorea became what she fought to destroy, just like all those books she used to re ad told her. Her intentions her foggy to everyone outside her head. All the pretending, all the falsity, the lies messed with her head, but the only thing keeping her sane was the idea that one day maybe the death eaters would fall, the pure bloods would fall, and everyone else would be safe.

The summer was bright and sunny but she stayed hunkered down in the library. Barely a single thought passed through her brain that wasn't related to dark magic. But every rare night where she walked up the stares to her bedroom and dropped the mask she would think of her old friends. She wondered how the mauraders were doing. They'd graduated after all, they were off living their own lives in the big world.

Someday she'd do that. She would graduate and leave this house, she'd leave this city this country even. She'd travel to the Americas, she'd start a new life under a new name. She'd get a house in the country, far away from the city life. And every so often she'd let herself gaze back up to the sky she used to call home and let herself remember those boys who raised her, the boys who were probably off with a family and a job. They were out living, and so would she.

But before she could live she had to itty bitty task. Kill the most powerful dark wizard second to Grindelwald. Easy, right?

Dorea had no idea what she was getting herself into.


"DOREAAAA?" her mother screeched breaking the perfect silence. It echoed through the house probably knocking over a painting or two.

Dorea walked out of the library somewhat annoyed. 

"Dorea where are you" she yelled again

"I'm coming mother."

They met each other in the living room, she was wearing a calculated grin.

"This came for you" her mother handed her a letter painted with swirly cursive.

"To a Dorea Black" it read on the back her mother clearly knew who it was from. Dorea opened the letter and it flew from its envelope.


"You, Dorea Black have been requested at the Riddle manor this evening, please arrive according to the dress code and time listed on the back of this letter." was all it said but the voice she knew all to well. It was Tom's stupid upper class accent, his stupid posh voice that resembled to many of her family members. 

"why wouldn't he just summon us through the mark like usual?" she asked

"this is a special meeting dorea, your sister was invited to one quite similar years ago"


"yes she was accepted into the Dark Lords inner circle then, I suppose you've been accepted too"

"that makes no sense I've only been a death eater for a few months"

"almost a year now dorea, and anyway he's always taken a liking to you ever since you were little"

Dorea rolled her eyes and muttered a "pervert" as she walked out of the room.

She flipped the parchment over and saw the time and dress code '7 pm, casual' her face formed a genuine scowl  until she realized.  If this was what her mother said and she was being accepted into his circle then she'd be least expected to betray him, that meant he trusted her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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