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Rea woke up the next day and changed. She wore a grey skirt with a striped shirt. Her robes over top. She walked out into the busy common room to find someone to help her, she always got Cissy or Andie to tie her tie.

She soon found Amos in the halls

"oh could you um..tie my tie?" she asked her cheeks turning a bright pink from embarrassment. She hadn't braided her hair, it hung loosely her waves cradelling her head.

"of course, you see you just loop it like that. no problem." he said while doing it for her. She smiled gratefully the two walked into the great hall, Rea sat beside Amos, he was next to a few other kids their age.

They chatted slightly she was thinking she had a solid month before word got around to her parents. Although she didn't know of one tradition at Hogwarts, the parents of first years  were notified by owl that they had arrived safely and what house they were put in.

She didn't notice this until she saw her parents large black owl swoop in through a window. It was holding a letter, and it was flying right towards her. She sunk down in her chair trying to ignore the happy chatter around her. Wishing she could be laughing and having fun like the rest of them.

The owl stood before her as she carefully untied the letter. The owl biting her fingers. Her fingers now bloodied but she didn't so much as flinch. She grabbed the letter and placed it in her pocket not planning on reading it yet. She didn't want others to be able to see the god awful words that were surely included in the small package.

She turned around catching Cissy's glance, instead of rage and anger she just looked sorry. She looked sympathetic. Rea was confused up until the moment she stood up. She straightened her plaid skirt and ruffled her hair as she made her way to the Hufflepuff table holding something in her hands. The stupid owl flew away, giving her already bloody fingers a last nip.

Cissa approached the table full of yellow, all eyes on her. Including Sirius', he was worried about his young cousin knowing how it felt. Although Rea didn't look scared she just looked..attentive. Like if Narcissa was gonna pounce she'd be ready. Instead of pouncing Narcissa Black simply smiled at the young girl grabbing her sisters hand and leading her out of the loud great hall.

James noticing Sirius' gaze watched as the two sisters walked out.

"she's gonna tear her to shreds" Sirius muttered before standing up, James following and leaving right behind them careful not to be seen by the two.

Narcissa led her sister down a hall and stopped in front of a painting, she sat down pulling Rea down beside her.

She didn't say anything she just glanced at Dorea's pocket.

"oh..that" Dorea carefully picked it up and drew her hand under the wax.


We are very disappointed in you. How could you have done this to us? It was simple just be in Slytherin and be a good girl. You just couldn't do that could you? Though we have put some thought into it. Your, talent is beyond rare. Being an animagi without a potion let alone have it be the first sign of magic is very intreaguing. 

Just know you are skating on thin ice. One wrong step, one wrong move, you'll fall into the freezing depths of the water. There's no coming back after that point.

Given your current placement we will have a punishment set by Christmas. At least you aren't in god awful Gryffindor. At least some pure bloods like obedience and loyalty, be glad some like the innocent ones.

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