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Dorea sighed as she pulled her hair back again just as she had just a few days prior but this time she was in the bed room she'd grown up in, not some bare guest room. This time she wore a white dress, it had light ruffles but was tight on the torso and the skirt was flowy, but like most of her dresses it ended just above her knee. She wore a white bow that matched her sisters. Dorea wore her necklace, it had been adjusted for the dress so it would show and the chain would end at her collar bone. She put on the bronze bracelet her sister gave her over christmas and half smiled at her reflection.

Just a few more days Dorea, hang in there. She walked down the steps, dodging a few busy house elves. Dorea helped Dollie the house elf carry a few plates into the dining hall. She helped multiple house elves in the process. She helped Penny by putting a decoration on it's hinges, Penny could not because of her height.

Guests began entering and she quickly escaped into the empty library. She would wait until everyone had settled and found someone to talk to and then she'd join. She knew it was an excuse to not go as soon but she didn't mind.

Dorea wandered the familiar shelves. She passed by many old wizards books, a few classics such as the tales of beatle the bard and the cackling cauldrons. She walked up a small step and ran her fingers on the dusty books. Coming to a stop at a large book. It had a lovely blue books spine. She brushed the dust from it's fabric and the gold spirally letter shown.

"Romeo and Juliet"

Dorea had never heard of it, she pulled it from it's spot on the shelf. She brushed the front off and there were two drawn figures. A man and a woman standing in a garden staring at each other intently as if they were the only ones in the world. So many words were shared in just that look, even though illustrated Dorea felt as if it were happening before her.

Dorea sat down on an old couch and opened the book. The words coming instantly to sight, the meanings settling in her head. Every paragraph had a reason, every word was meaningful. The story came quickly as she gazed longingly at the words.

The love story of supposed sworn enemies who fall for each other swarms in her head. Due to their families conflict they cannot be together, so they kill themselves for their love. The died for each other. The died for the love they shared and no one else.

Romeo and Juliet was a tradgedy disguised as a love story.

A pair of star crossed lovers take their life for one another

The drawing on the front page shows every ounce of love they have for one another and so much more

"Dorea?" a voice calls from outside of the library. Dorea stares at the clock. It hasn't been an hour? It's been mere minutes. "Dorea there you are" Sirius sighed as he walked in and around furniture to sit beside her. "I couldn't find you"

"hi Siri" she smiled

"hi Puff"

"why'd you come looking for me?"

"Because you were missing"

"okay but why don't you have so many things to do" she giggled

"I thought you'd been banished from parties"

"well" she jumped up half smiling "I guess not"

"DOREA" a more shrill voice called and she lept behind the couch. Sirius doing the same, her mother peared into the room and saw no one, leaving the door open.

The two then ran out without a word knowing they better make it look like they'd been at the party the entire time.

Dorea walked up to Regulus who stood beside the punch.

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