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Dorea woke up with a pounding in her head and a dry throat. She opened her eyes and began to hyperventilate. She'd missed it, she'd missed her chance. Why couldn't she remember any of it? Why couldn't she remember any of the hours, because it clearly wasn't 1 pm anymore it was dark out, and full of stars. She was sat in a bed of white linnens and she looked around.

the hospital wing.

Sirius was collapsed in a chair beside her and James was next to him, Remus was passed out with a book in his lap and Peter was on the ground clutching a very annoyed Darling anxious to get to her new. Dorea quietly stepped out of the bed, careful not to disrupt the chorus of snores beside her.

The pounding in her head only got worse with each step, the ringing in her ears muted every other noise. She carefully walked across the long windowed room and gripped the door knob steadying herself. She breathed deeply for a few moments whispering to herself. Darling on her heals.

She walked out of the wing, the door leaving a quiet thump, nothing in comparison to the echoing snores that filled the quiet space. She slipped down the halls and the slight patter of her feet reminded her this was no dream. She curved through the intrecate corridors determined to find some place to be alone. She couldn't bare to think of the embarrasment she'd just been through.

She'd made a scene, if only she just hadn't spoken to Remus.

She thought that they were upset, she thought that she was a burden, she caused all the problems. If she just disapeared maybe the problems would be solved, because she was the problem. She ruined the happy fun days the mauraders should be having, so she trecked her way out and around the castle. She traveled to the owlery. She gripped the freezing railings and carried her throbbing feet up the steep steps. She gasped as she made it and went straight to the parchment in a container beside the wall. She tried to find a quill, eventually she found one underneath the bench and she wrote quickly to her sister.

Narcissa would recieve this letter and be very concerned on her sister, she would do exactly as Dorea said and come pick her up. They'd return to her mother and all would be well.

She unneatly wrote the letter and grabbed an owl. Footsteps paused her actions. The cold breeze reminded her of this huge decision. The footsteps grew closer and there stood her best friend, her knight in shining armor.

"Dorea?" Regulus' face was strained to see in the dark and she sprang to him hugging him to no end. "hey hey what's wrong Bear?"

"I need to go back" she sobbed onto his shoulder, not even asking why he was awake at this time of night

"Bear please don't, it'll get better everything will get better"

"Mother won't, she will get worse and worse with time leading to her down fall, maybe..maybe if I'm there she'll stop"

"Dorea, there is nothing you can do to help her, she needs your father back, and he's not coming back. Nothing you do can bring him back"


"no buts Bear, you aren't in a right state of mind right now"

"wait Reggie why are you up so late?"

"the Slytherins are having a party, I couldn't sleep"

"a party on the first day back?"

"yeah it's strange."

"hey Reggie"


"I don't know how much longer I can bare it"

"bare what?"

"I'm the last one. Narcissa is blinded, Bellatrix is psycotic, Andie is away, Mother is ill and father is dead. On Christmas I stayed alone in my room no one coming to wish us well, no one coming to say hello"

"you have me Bear, I'm not going anywhere" he grabbed her elbows and smiled smally as Dorea pulled away and grabbed his, though her letter unfinished was still gripped in her hand. "and neither are you" he gently took the parchment from her palm and ripped it. He dropped it on the ground and watched as Dorea nodded.

"what do I do now, I need to-"

"your Mother is well enough, if things get bad my father will go to see her and set things striaght, you will be alright and she will as well"

Dorea nodded for a moment

"Dorea you aren't a burden, you have emotions, just like me. We have been through so much, and we're okay now" he wiped her tears "you and I will be together, side by side until our very last breath"

"I won't leave you Reggie, i promise"

"and I won't leave you either, if you leave I leave."

"if you stay, I stay"

"we're in this together" and as cheesy as it sounds it made both of them feel better, that they wouldn't be alone whatever they choose, and where ever they decide to go.

"Reggie" she started "Reggie my Fathers last wish on his will was for us to get married" she whispered

"I know" he nodded "I won't be the reason your future is torn away"

"and I won't be the reason yours is torn to shreds"

"what if we are forced"

"we will be, if Mother ever gets her brains straight she would force us, and knowing your mother and my fathers bond Walburga would never even dream of neglecting his dying wish"

"what do we do?"

"I don't know Reggie"

"did you read all threw the statement, does it speak of-"




"thank the heavens" the two laughed

"our old jokes are coming true" Dorea laughed quietly

"it makes sense doesn't it? Like they were courting us without us knowing"

"it's gross"

"it is."

"I don't wish to marry you"

"and I don't wish to marry you" Regulus comfirmed

"how would they force us to marry then?"

"our lives? Imprerius, there are many spells Dorea"

"you're right. Just no unbreakable vows."

"yeah" the two laughed

"how about we just pinky promise"

The two didn't understand how much they weren't thinking about, binding their lives together was nothing to joke about. Especially because Walburga would want grandkids, the two weren't thinking of the important things as they laughed about their broken futures, that felt set in stone. If only they had known, if they left now none of that would happen. if only they knew now that now was their last chance to leave. If they had left, their lives would've been freed and their breaths wouldn't feel captured. If only they had left. Unfortunatly the story is far from over, and life is far from fair, they deserved happily ever afters and in some way they got them.


I feel sorta bad for leaving you guys on a mini cliff hanger for so long.

Do you guys like  the past chapters?

To much fore shadowing I swear my head hurts

I wish i could just sit at home and write for you guys all the time but i can't unfortunalty. I'm just now realizing how sucky my spelling is. I try okay? I promise I'mnot butchering basic words on purpous.

Anywho have a lovely day/night


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