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Dorea walked down the stairs the next day still recovering, she couldn't move that fast, but she was beggining to heal. Her hand still bled through it's bandages daily though. She walked down and saw Bellatrix playing chess with Cissa.

"Hey bear" Bella cooed, how dare she. How dare she torture her and leave her for the dead, and then she has the audacity to act like nothing happened. Then she calls her by her nickname and smile at her.

"Bellatrix" she muttered not looking her in the eye. 

"aww Cissa look she's got stage fright" She taunted "Bear do tell why were you not at the ball, this was no cinderella story my dear"

"You know why Bellatrix" Rea said coldly turning to look her in the eye

"oh cold I like that" Bella said smirking

"what's going on?" Cissa asked "Rea why weren't you at the ball?"

"Because mother and father are ashamed of me dear sister" Rea said to Cissy not breaking eye contact with Bella.

"no darling they're not" Cissa said standing up but Bellatrix pushed her down.

"yeah they are and you know what?" Rea said "I don't care" Dorea even surprised herself when she said that but did not show it on her face. It did hurt just the slightest bit that they were ashamed, yes they tortured her but she did not just become a brand new person.

"oh dear Bear what happened to your hand?" Cissa yelled worry in her face and she bounced up from the sofa and ran over. She quickly unwrapped the bandage and shriecked. She dropped dorea's hand.

"you- you stitched you-" Cissa shriecked

"yes Narcissa, I drug a needle attached to some embroidering string through my own palm because if I didn't I would have bled out" She said colder than she expected.

"wh-why?" Cissa asked naively

"Because of the very same person you're sitting beside" Rea said still looking at Cissa dead serious.

"No. You're lying. Bella would never." Narcissa cried as she ran to Bellatrix's side and Bella smirked.

"She wouldn't would she? She wouldn't torture her own blood? That's what I thought to Cissy. But I was wrong" Dorea spoke glaring at Bellatrix. "the one who's supposed to protect us. The one who's supposed to love us unconditionally. " Dorea spoke taking a step towards the two.

"you aren't blood. not anymore, not since what you did." Bellatrix spat. Dorea's face broke a moment. Her heart throbbed, she felt tears brimming but she couldn't let Bellatrix know how hard that hit her.

"what not since a stupid speaking hat yelled a single word that offended you? Just because I didn't join your fun club? I HAD NO CONTROL OVER THAT" She spat back but Bellatrix just smirked.

"did that hurt baby?" she asked taking a step towards her baby sister. "how does it feel..? How does it feel to betray your family, disapoint everyone that loves you. How does it feel Dorea Belvina Black, to be a failure, to be a blood traitor?" she asked quietly and Dorea let a single tear drop which just incouraged her more. 

"HOW DOES IT FEEL? when I ask a question you answer it ok? How does it feel to betray those who love you-" she started but was interuppted

"you never loved me." she said tears streaming down her face now. "YOU NEVER LOVED ME. stop pretending you ever did Bella. You were just waiting for this day. The day you could get rid of me." she screamed her heart breaking with each word even though they were her own.

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