twenty three

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A month had passed and her cut had healed. Well, as much as a gash could in a month. It was just beginning to form. It had stopped bleeding and Dorea hadn't talked to anyone. Now that sounds hard to believe I know. She didn't talk to anyone unless talked to and she never talked to Bellatrix, she couldn't bare to talk to that imposter.

Dorea spent most her time outside, away from that stupid house and when she did roam around the house it was at night, when they would leave her alone. She hadn't been under that curse, her parents had barely paid any attention to Dorea at all. They had been in a fairly good mood, due to the fact that their daughter had joined the cause.

Dorea pulled on a white shirt, she then tucked it into a grey flowy skirt that reached to her upper thigh and had suspenders to keep them from falling. She wore flats and white socks with little fluffs on the top. She put in a small yellow bow with the hufflepuff crest in her pulled back curly hair. She grabbed Darling and walked out of her room. Everyone except Narcissa and her were out and Dorea was beaming. Dorea held Darling close to her chest and scurried out the back door.

Rea let Darling down once they were on the back dirt path, out of sight. Darling roamed but never left Dorea's view. They wandered the dirt paths and strolled along on the sunny day.

"woah, woah" a voice came from the tree's and curious Dorea whistled and walked through the tree's, Darling standing closely beside her. Her small white socks had dirt on them but the ruffles remained high and mighty she giggled as she watched a tall man try and find a Bowtruckle.

It jumped into her cupped hands as she hummed quietly.

"here it is" she giggled and the man jumped as he saw her.

"didn't see you there miss" he laughed. "I'm Newt"

"Dorea, it's a pleasure."

"how'd you do that?"

"Bowtruckles like music" she hummed and it swayed in her hand.

Her smile never faltered but it got bigger as she saw his hufflepuff scarf. He pulled out a little journal and wrote that down. She ran her finger on the small bowtruckles head and it made a squeak noise and plopped down.

"well you are a peculiar one aren't you" she whispered

"so are you"

"pardon?" she lifted her head

"oh just I didn't know anyone was around and here you come"

Dorea smiled

"I just happened to pass by and I heard your yelps, I figured I'd help."

"good thing you did"

"what were you doing with this little guy anyway?" she asked smiling

"oh I'm writing a book and I needed to study Bowtruckles."

Dorea walked closer to Newt and grabbed one of his hands softly, she placed the Bowtruckle in his palm and it sat down. She giggled as she stared.

"he likes you" she beamed

"I guess" Newt smiled looking at the small creature. The bowtruckle stood up and jumped into Newt's pocket. 

"what book are you writing?" she asked looking up from the creature.

"oh I'm writing about magical beasts and creatures."

"I can't wait to read it"



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