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McGonagle droned on as Dorea and Amos threw a pen across the room to each other. The pen had little notes attached to them. Right when Amos chucked the pen McGonagle caught it with her wand. She levitated it to her and Amos' face turned as red as a tomato.

Dorea just sat in her chair in the back of the classroom frozen hiding her smirk.

"now lets see what this note says" McGonagle unwrapped the pen and Amos buried his face in his hands.

"wait-" McGonagle started "wait what?"

Dorea burst into laughter leaving everyone confused.

"you must have written notes beforehand give them here." Dorea's laughter turned into uncontrollable giggles. "give them here or I will owl your parents"

Dorea shut up quickly and her face fell. She quickly grabbed the notes and set them on her desk pushing them towards McGonagle.

McGonagle made her way to Dorea's desk "please don't owl my parents" Dorea whispered.

"Mr. Diggory an owl will be sent to your parents if you don't give me the remainder of the notes now." Amos quickly pulled the notes out of his desk and gave them to the professor. As she read them she tried to hide her giggles.

This is what they said.

Amos- hey dorea?

Dorea- yeah?

Amos- I'm failing her class, is there any extra credit you know of?

Dorea- no but I bet if you made out with Dumbles you'd pass all your classes this year

Amos- WHAT?

Dorea- it seems like a good option


Dorea- you just have to make out with dr wrinkles for like fifteen minutes and then you pass all year.

Amos- I can't believe you'd even consider making out with DUMBLEDORE

Dorea- what I'm failing my parents will kill me

Amos- they wouldn't kill you just yell at you for a bit

Dorea- you don't know my parents lol

Amos- You can't make out with dumbledore to get extra credit.

Dorea- says who

Amos- Says everyone in the entire god damn wizarding universe

Dorea- Idk I think McGonagle might want a piece of him


Dorea- haha just kidding..or am I?

Amos- isn't he gay


Amos - idk he just seems gay

Dorea- this screws everything up

Amos- I bet your parents would actually kill you if they found out you made out with a thousand year old proffesor

Dorea- it's not that bad

Amos- yes, yes it is bad you can't make out with someone for extra credit

That was the last note sent.

"Class dismissed" McGonagle said after reading them and everyone stood up "Mrs. Black Mr. Diggory detention after class no dilly dallying" she muttered.


Dorea and Amos walked out of potions and up the stair dreading detention.

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