seventy- one

548 20 6

Dorea didn't exactly leave the kitchens all day. she skipped class and hid away beside the house elves. She asked one for a radio and well one thing led to another..

Dorea is currently laying on the ground of the Hogwarts kitchens in a starfish position surrounded by full and empty caprisun boxes listening to "never gonna give you up" by Rick Astley while intently sucking the straw of her 23 muggle caprisun. She's wearing the same sweater, skirt, and socks as earlier but she has somehow come into possesion of pink toddler sunglasses. 

Not even dorea really knows how all of the previous events led her to this state of complete carelessness but she could not care about anything but trying to find one more drop of the delicious substance she'd gotten her hands onto.

The House elves were concerned but continued to get her muggle caprisuns and eventually just took cases upon cases and stacked them around her and made a dome. She sat in almost complete darkness in an igloo of caprisuns with nothing but herself and the radio.

Dorea would have laughed if you had told her this is what her life had led to 4 years ago but here we are. A complete mess of a 14 year old girl and some toddler glasses. Trauma does some funky stuff to people. 

Little did she know that the mauraders had been told by a classmate of dorea's that she'd skipped all her classes and they had grown concerned. james was looking outside, Remus was looking in the library, Peter said he needed to study and sirius was looking in the dungeons.

Dorea didn't realize that other people still existed until the she heard a door open.

"Pu-" he didn't even need to finish his sentence before he heard the music and saw the igloo.

"Dorea?" he asked but was greeted with muffled singing along to the muggle song she was listening to.

He walked over to the expertly built fort and picked up the top box and peared in. He saw Dorea in her starfish position with a caprisun straw hanging out of her mouth.

"do you follow me around?" she asked barely comprehending words at this point.

"can i come in?"he asked.

"if you break my igloo I'll break you."

"okay.." he muttered but a house elf helped him unstack some of the boxes and once he had climbed in they restacked them. Only when he'd settled himself did he realize he could have apparated.

"nice glasses" he spoke to her as if she was a child

"they're neat aren't they. I like em a lot adds to the hide away vibe"

"could you tell me why you needed to hide out"

"oh it's just that I got this really mean letter from bella and she just virtually slapped me in the face" she said just letting the words slip from her lips but she didn't say it angry she just spoke as if she'd smoked weed. though it truly was just the power of caprisun.

"okay..continue" he still spoke as if he was her father and he was interiogating her though she didn't understand it was an interogation

"oh and then I walked in on Marlene and Dorcas making out-"

"wait what" he said a bark like laugh escaped his throat

"yeah..and then i left Darling in the room of requirement and this morning i found out the slytherins had stolen her."

"we'll get her back"

"but then I went to go get her back and of course stupid rosier and his stupid voice and his stupid face opened the door and i told him i wanted to beat regulus up and then he threw me into the stupid slytherin common room where i saw regulus' stupid face."

"was there any one else Puff?"

"yeah some creepy dude who was loads older and..seph"

"who's seph?"

"she's this really pretty slytherin..she has nice eyes and a nice laugh and a pretty smile..and i don't know what i did but she hates me now" Dorea spoke. Sirius had to hold his laughter and surprise.

"when did you meet this Seph?"

"at like midnight by the black lake she looked like some smoke angel.. and she was nice to me but then she wasn't.. even when we did amortentia she made a point to glare at me and she pushed her shoulder into mine." Sirius couldn't hold his laughter anymore and burst into a fit of giggles. Which of course made dorea giggle.

"what..are we laughing..about" she said between laughs

"the fact that you're so oblivious it physically pains me"

"I am not.."

"what happened in the common room?" he asked

"which one..cause i played this really fun game in my-" 

"the slytherin common room"

"oh..uh they talked really menacingly then regulus pulled me in here and told me all these sad facts and all these stupid stuff and then made me realize that I'm actually a horrible person and that i hurt regulus a lot by leaving and he hates me now. so moral of the story i have nobody anymore. I don't have regulus, i don't have darling, and i most certainly don't have myself"

"what do you mean 'don't have myself?"

"well even when I've left they control me..they've backed me into a corner"


"well I have two options i can run back to them like a coward and be able to marry regulus and let him have a love life or i can hide and they'll find me and then they'll force me to marry some other dude and then regulus has to marry somebody and can't love his boyfriend..i didn't even know he ;liked boys how much have i missed" 

"listen Dorea we're going to keep you safe, you're not going back, we'll get regulus out and everything will be fine. By any chance do you know how they'll try and get you back?"

"well they're gonna try at the train station."

"okay um we'll figure something out. Everything's gonna be fine."

Sirius leaned back on his arms and rubbed his eyebrows.

'I'm doing a lot of babysitting lately' he thought


this is not from personal expierience..

who knwos maybe it is

have a nice day/night


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