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The Black sisters just wanted to be happy. Everyone deserves to be happy, so why didn't they? 

Everyone wants to be happy, they were no exception.

They had small bits of happiness.

Bellatrix with her best friend Antonin

Andromeda with Ted and Dora

Narcissa with Lucius

and Dorea with her friends and cousins.

They just wanted a happy family, with normal morals, and expectations.

But no one in the Black family could be happy, it seemed they were cursed.


When Dorea stepped off the train there stood Bellatrix and narcissa in black, Cissa making her nervous, she usually wore at least at little white but no. Her hair was pulled back in a buyn topped with a black ribbon and their makeup was dark.

Narcissa looked solem, and Bellatrix looked unnervingly emotionless.

Mother and Father usually picked her up, they wanted to look like a proper family. Because in truth everyone thought of them as a good pure family. They couldn't read between the lines. The Blacks practically funded Saint Mungo's and donated to the ministry, anyone who thought lesser of them was strange. They did such good things for the wrong intentions.

But Father was no where to be seen nor was mother. 

Sirius and Regulus looked over from where their mother and father were to the three sisters in the corner. Regulus looked up to see his mother and father in all black which wasn't unusual, but if you looked closley at his mother, right in the eye, you could see an emotion. His mother was usually cold, emotionless, unbreakable, untouchable even. But there was a sliver of sadness resting in her eye. And only if you looked at the direct moment, Regulus being the only one to spot it. The only soul who had ever seen Walburga Black drop a tear. One tiny wet tear slid down the pristine womans cheek and landed at her lips corner.

It rested there and faded as time passed. But Walburga had only allowed one second of public grief, the sliver disapeared and she became just numb. She gripped her husband forearm tightly, and grabbed Regulus' shoulder, Orion grabbed Sirius and they apparated, the two boys knowing nothing of what had happened in the early hours that day.

Dorea stood in front of Narcissa, who  grabbed her hand softly and smiled sadly, almost warning her. Bellatrix grabbed Narcissa's shoulder and they apparated. The sisters apparated into their lounge room. Bellatrix landing on the couch, Narcissa standing beside her and Dore in front of them.

"Bear go put on something black, we'll explain"  Narcissa said quiet and kindly.

Dorea was a smart girl, she knew something had happened, someone had died. But she had a big family, she just guessed it was a second cousin or great grandparent. As sad as it would be if any of those options had died, a distant cousin wasn't as bad as what was to come. She had her mind determined when she left her room in a black button down and a black skirt, with knee high socks and black flats. She knew it had to be her grandmother. If her grandmother had died she'd be heart broken. Her grandmother was old as it was, her time had to be cut short soon enough.

Bellatrix and Cissa shared a look of dismay but bellatrix nodded. Almost as if an entire conversation had taken place just between their eyes. bellatrix locked eyes with Dorea then sighed her face still hard and unfaltering.

"Father died at 7 am this morning; a stroke"

The three girls sat in silence. Dorea's face hadn't reacted, it stood still just how it had. Her brain was acting a million miles a minute, she couldn't possibly add any of her brain power on an expression.

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