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Narcissa Black slowly climbed up the marble stairs of the Black estate. The door cracked open, her heels clicking against the cold hard floor. She heard talking from down the elegant staircase, She leaned against the railing humming quietly to herself. Footsteps creaked behind her, she spun around and was caught face to face with her mother. Druella sneered approaching the girl.

Narcissa fiddled with the silver ring on her ring finger. It sat so perfectly on her hand. It had a large green gem in the center circled with snakes. It was so much more than beautiful, it was more than thoughtful. It was from Luscious.

Her blonde hair was tied back with a large black bow, she was wearing a black tight dress and had a few silver bracelets on her wrists. Some may think she was attending a funeral when she was simply just walking about her house.

"hello my dear" she smiled, Druella was also wearing Black but it was a tighter more elegant fit. She unlike Narcissa had dark black hair, the hair Bella had gotten. The blonde had skipped a generation and gotten to her, her grandmother had blonde hair, though it confused her at times. Andie had Dad's hair, her dads eyes. Dorea as well had her dads hair and eyes but unlike the rest of us aspects of her uncle Orion could be seen in her face  making her look more like Sirius' sister at times. Though it only made it slightly stranger that Dorea and Regulus were to be married.

At first Narcissa had thought it a cute idea, them already being so close. Though in the past months she'd read between the lines. They didn't love each other romantically but rather platonically. They looked so alike and they're only first cousins. Usually the family would skip a line, making it second or third cousins out of mild decency.

They had always been close, but never as love interests, as friends, as cousins, as family. He loved her as a normal family would love each other. He loved her as Narcissa loved her. Narcissa did miss Dorea, though she had chosen love over her. Only time would tell the consequences of this action.


"mother" Narcissa greeted

"Narcissa don't you think it's about time you-" More blunt than Druella was usually, she more oftenly led the conversation into that subject before blurting things out like that but it had needed to be said.

"Don't finish that sentence Mrs. Black" a cold voice came from the hallway. Luscious Malfoy walked in and wrapped him arm around Cissa's waste. "she will not be joining."

"Now young man that is no way to speak to your soon to be mother in law"

"With all due respect Mrs. Black, Riddle trusts me, we made an agreement, if I join she will never have to. She will live happily in Malfoy Manor, not affected by Riddles actions or movements she will be left untouched."

"is that so" Druella's smile disapeared.


Druella shook her head slightly waving the  couple off and they left to the kitchen where Narcissa began pouring tea.

"Why would you do that Lucious?"

"Because I love you Cissa, I wouldn't be able to stand myself if I let you get all wrapped up in the movement. I couldn't imagine you doing the things Riddle asks of us."

"I love you to Lucsious" she had questions, to many, but decided to hold them quietly. Luscious had sacrificed his freedom for hers.

"I love you for infinity Narcissa Black"

"I love you for infinity Luscious Malfoy"


It was true what Luscious had done for love. The behind the scenes of the agreement were bloody but true. Luscious had made an unbreakable vow with Voldemort that he would be his right hand man, that he would never betray him, that he would stick by his side until the revolution was won, but Tom would protect Narcissa, that she would stay away from the meetings and wouldn't be tied in to this with string. That she would not be considered a death eater and that he would never use Narcissa for his benefit.

Despite the blood on his hand his word was clear and honest. Luscious was not a deceiving man, he never had been. Though he made sure to word what he said correctly, because Riddle was a deceiving man. He would look for any loop hole in his verse to slip through.

Tom Riddle didn't care of honor or loyalty, Tom cared if his followers were loyal but was not a loyal man himself. Tom was a man of cruelty, of despise, of hatred, of dishonesty, of false promises, of betrayal. It was written in his blood like a code to be cracked. Tom Marvolo Riddle could not love, so he did not understand why Luscious would do such a thing for some girl.

But Narcissa wasn't just some girl to Lucious. She was beautiful, and true, she was kind, and powerful, she was intelligent and caring. He loved her with every ounce of his heart, so when he had proposed this to Tom at first the great Tom Riddle was confused. Though a rare occurrence he waited a moment gathering his thoughts.

Riddle would never understand Luscious Malfoy's actions, he never had and never would. Luscious sometimes didn't understand his own actions. Though portrayed as the villain to many if you ever cared enough to look a little deeper. Look underneath the porcelain skin, under the hollow veins.

If you could see the reason behind each of his movements, each of his actions, it was always for his love, always for his family, always for them. He did indescribable things for them, to keep them out of this. Though one day, he'd realize that he cannot protect them forever. He would one day realize that the horrors of his own mind, could be shared with anyone at any moment if they so pleased.

Though Narcissa loved him, Luscious just has to fight a little longer, then he would have his happily ever after, just as he read in the fairy tails as a child. Him and his beautiful princess would run away from this madness, from the terror his revolution caused and live happily in some far away world, where the sun always shines, and Narcissa always smiles.

He truly did love her, he would do whatever it took to protect her. She would never see the treacherous extent he took to keep her safe, to keep their love burning.


It's the spelling Luscious a new way every time for me

No seriously someone tell me the correct way to write it cause I think there's like 6 different spellings in my entire story

I'm sorry it took so long to update. I mean 10 days is a while.

I really like this update though, I thought maybe we see into a knew view for a chapter. This might be on the top 5 of my favorites.

I know everyone thinks that Luscious Malfoy is the bad guy and he's selfish but my interpretation from reading the books so many times was really that he did everything for his family, so they would never have to expierience what he had.

When Draco became a death eater it was not on Luscious' will it was Voldemort's. He had found a loop hole into the Malfoy family.  It breaks my heart every time people hate on the Malfoys, I think they were just misunderstood and hurt. All of them need therapy. though I think Narcissa is a very loving mother and Luscious did love his son, but Luscious was very haunted and traumatized by the time Draco was older. I sometimes think luscious was suffering from depression at parts.

Any who how are you all?

Happy one year anniversary of quarentine, 365 days

That's kinda crazy tho 365..

Anyway I'm watching spiderman homecoming tonight. I'm pretty excited!

I'm hoping to update more in the next few days/ next week so expect something soon

Have a good day/night


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