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James wrapped Dorea in his invisibility cloak and casted a floating charm on her. Right when he was going to head out the door along with the rest of the mauraders Dorea stirred. Her arm came to her head and she remembered what had happened she struggled to get out of whatever blanket like thing that was around her. She opened her eyes and could see the mauraders all in there walking out. Dorea got out of the blanket and began to run but there was a floating charm and James said "you aren't going anywhere puff, you're safe I promise" he reassured but she discreetly took out her wand and casted a diffecting charm. She ran between them and down the hall. She ran to the hufflepuff cabins and locked the door. People were getting off through a middle door. She went to a random compartment and hid under the seat hoping not to be seen. The mauraders ran out the train and into it through the hufflepuff door people looking at them funny.


"PUFF PLEASE?" Remus yelled

"DOREAA?"Peter screamed loudly

"Puff please we know you're here somewhere" Sirius added. Some stragglers looked at them odd but just left quickly.

They started to search each cabin but Dorea was hidden well. Peter searched the back, Remus with him. James searched the middle and Sirius searched the front. Dorea was in between the front and middle in a small compartment. Her breath was quick and raspy. A rattle on her door made her hold her breath and she saw shoes.

"hey kid." a voice said. It wasn't the one she was expecting though. it was Franks, she looked up to see his face and he crouched down to meet her eyes. "come on lets get you out of there why is everyone looking for you?" he shut the blinds of the doors so the mauraders wouldn't come looking. Dorea didn't move though.

"Dorea I need you to work with me here I'm trying to help you."

"I want to go home, to my mother." she said thinking it's safe to talk to him since he knew nothing of the inner workings of the Black family except the small bits he got from his parents who were skeptics of their perfection. "I need to help her she's not okay"

"I'm very sorry, is this new?"

"yes my fathers death sent her into a spiral I need to be with her"

"what kind of spiral?"

"she won't leave bed, she won't drink water only vodka and fire whisky, she won't eat either."

"are your sisters there with her?"

"no they're with their families. She's all alone back in London."

"why are they searching for you?"

"they don't want me to go back, though they should have no say in the matter. Why do they even care?"

"because they care about you, they want you safe. Has your mother ever hit you?"

Dorea thought long and hard but her brain wasn't working properlly, her thoughts were muffled and she couldn't see straight.


"multiple times kid?"


"They're just looking out for you, they don't want you getting hurt again"

"and I don't want my mother to get hurt."

"how has she hurt you?"

Dorea's vision was fuzzy and but she could hear him properly, he was the only thing that rang loud and clear. A ringing split her ears and all she could do was answer.

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