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Professor Figg stood in front of a big cupboard as a line of children stood behind him. All of them anxious, knowing they'd face their worst fears in that day. Dorea especially, because if they found out what her parents did she'd be in deep trouble.

Amos' was rats, Lila's was guns, Dorea had almost forgotten she grew up in a muggle world. Dorea never really thought about muggle weapons, but she had to admit, some of them were sometimes (sometimes) more effective than wands.

A boy named Finnius is afraid of small spaces, a girl named Delilah is afraid of toasters..they confuse her. Delilah Ruse was raised in a wizarding family, and even speaking of muggles was frowned upon. Jack is afraid of fire, Hannah is afraid of clowns. Another muggle born, Daniel is afraid of white vans..what even does that mean?

Dorea was near the middle of the line,the line emptied and soon Dorea found no one in front of her. She glanced at the cupboard and gripped her wand tightly. She stepped foward and the bogart took a moment before taking the form of her mother, a few people whispered as more figures took form. Her mother, her father, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andie, Reggie, Sirius, James, Remus, Peter even Newt then they rolled up their sleeves to reviel a dark mark.

Children around her muttered, not knowing what the horrid mark was, and why it was so horrendous. Her wrists began to shake, and her grip tightened even more. She stared at the figures as they began to laugh and soon enough there she was, standing beside them all, lifting up her sleeve to reviel a dark mark of her own. She gasped as fake her began to cackle. Dorea rose her wand and yelled "ridikulus, ridikulus, ridikulus" she repeated over and over and over. The boggart was long gone, even though she kept saying it.

the bells chimed and children began to leave, Dorea shut up, but still felt frozen. She left the classroom and walked around in the halls. She wandered until tears began to slip down her cheeks, her back slid down the wall. Tears forming a puddle on her knees as she wrapped her arms around them. She sobbed into the empty, disserted corridor.

Quick footsteps raced from one end of the hallway to the other, she felt a body sit beside her, and arm wrapped around her and brought her close. She leaned into him, knowing immedietly who he was. She could tell from his scent, she could tell from the feel of his soft hands and his quiet whispers.

Regulus hugged her so tightly he thought he might suffocate her, but she kept sobbing into his knees.

"Dory they can't hurt you here, they can't get you here" he had heard of the incident by a few mocking slytherins, he had heard even his face was on that list. "Dory they can't hurt you here, you're safe, you're safe with me, I'll keep you safe, they can't get to you" he continued to whisper in her ear "I won't let them hurt you, I won't, I promise" 

She sniffled, as she felt she had run out of tears to spill. She nodded her head on his knees wiping her eyes. She sat up and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"They can't get you, not when you're at hogwarts, you're safe when you're home"

"home, yeah home" she whispered and laughed a little

"Dory they can't hurt you, not when you're with me, not when you're under Dumbledores watch, as long as he's here you're safe, if Dumbledore is here they can't touch you."

" I never wish to leave"

"I know you don't,I don't either, I never want to leave these halls." there was a thick silence as Dorea sniffled her remaining tears away. "Bear know that you're never alone" he tapped his necklace and then hers that hung in between her collar bones "I'm always by your side and I will never leave. I'm with you until the very last blink of sunlight, until the very last breath of fresh air. I'm with you until our lungs fill with water, I am with you until the very end"

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