Iwaoi: iwa-chan...

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Yes. It's another fem. I enjoy writing it, and I also had an idea for it soooo...

Iwaizumi's pov

I can't believe this... fucking oikawa's boyfriend is such an ass. He can't keep his eyes off her boobs for the life of him.

I want to punch him in the face so hard. And plus oikawa acts kind of weird around him.. like she's... scared? Maybe it's just my imagination.

What I would do to be in her boyfriends shoes.. I would get to hug oikawa and kiss her.. that bastard.

He's always with her to.. it's like she can't be alone for 5 seconds. Sometimes he's even crazy enough to come to our practice and watch us. Creepy asshole.

I was walking home with oikawa. ALONE. Finally I can talk to oikawa without her boyfriend breathing on my neck.

"So how are you and your boyfriend going?" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! I finally get some alone time with oikawa and all I talk about is her boyfriend?!

"Oh.. everything is going fine!" Oikawa said looking at the ground.

"Hey.. what's wrong?" What did he do..

"He's really clingy.. and today he said something that really pissed me off.." Oikawa explained

"What did he say?"

"That I shouldn't hang out with you anymore..."

I felt my blood start to boil. That asshole thinks that he can separate me and Oikawa?! We've been best friends for ever! He can try all he wants but he can't take oikawa away from me.

"Ugh! Thinking about it pisses me off!!!" Oikawa yelled "why would he not want me to hang out with you? Your my best friend.." Oikawa said leaning her head on my arm. "Is it because we always hang out together?"

"I don't know... but you wouldn't leave me like that would you?" I asked looking down at oikawa

"Are you crazy?! I would never!" Oikawa grabbed onto my arm and cuddled into it "your my best friend..."

I can't believe I just got friend zoned like 3 times. I looked down at oikawa, she had a light blush on her face and was holding onto my wrist..

I grabbed oikawa's hand and interlocked our fingers..

Oikawa's pov

Suddenly iwa-chan grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers... even though I had a boyfriend, I didn't want to let go of iwa-chan...

I've never felt... comfortable around my boyfriend. Sometimes he gives me these looks... he tries to get me to come over to his home or go a little bit further than I want to go... and when we are alone.. he yells at me. It's scary...

So being with iwa-chan like this... it makes me so happy.. yes he yells at me sometimes but he only yells at me when I'm not taking care of myself properly... like when I stay out in the rain or if I forget to eat breakfast... he cares a lot and it makes me so happy..

I wish I was with iwa-Chan.



"Do you like him?"


"My boyfriend... your my best friend so I want your opinion.."


"Iwa-chan?" I said looking up at him with our hands still interlocked


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