Ushiten: b-bunny costume

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Ok so am I the only one who like doesn't have anything interesting going on so I don't have anything to say in my authors notes only me? Ok T^T

⚠️smut warning! don't like? Don't read.⚠️

Ushijima's pov

"Guys we should pick out ushijima an outfit!" Semi said

"Ehh why me?"

"Because I have the perfect idea and I kinda already have the outfit so come on!" Semi said getting up from stretching "oh and tendou go to the storage closet and wait their you have a surprise waiting for you"

"Interesting" tendou said walking into the storage room

"What are you guys planning?"  I said getting up also

"We're just helping you out!"

I somehow had a feeling this was going to be a disaster.

I followed semi to the club room.

"Ok now put this on trust me!"

He handed me a bunny costume...

"Come on put it on!"

"What? No"

"Come on tendou would love it!" Me and tendou have been dating for about a month now... wait am I tendou's surprise?

"Let me guess am I tendou's secret surprise?"

"Yup! Now hurry and change!"

I decided to change into the stupid costume.. would tendou really like to see me in this?

"Ok now stay here I'm gonna go get tendou"

"Wait I thought we were going to the storage room?"

"No tendou had a little gift in their it will most likely help later!"

Semi is acting weird what was this little gift?

Semi's pov

Wow ushijima is kinda dumb when it comes to sex.

"Why can't we go to the storage room?"

He is so dumb

"You really think tendou wants other guys to see you in a sexy bunny costume? Hell no"

Ushijima is so blind I've been dropping hints everywhere that we were trying to hook them up. The whole team can sense the sexual orientation around them they obviously want it so we are just giving them a nudge in the right direction.

"Does tendou know what I'm wearing? And is this even appropriate? And what about you aren't you a guy to."

Dumb. Dumb as hell.

"1. No he doesn't
2. It's not supposed to be
3. I'm not interested in you that way I have shirabu and tendou knows that."

He just nodded with blush on his face I think he was starting to realize what we were trying to hint at them.

"Now I gotta go get tendou you stay here and don't let anyone in go sit over their" I pointed to a spot that had pillows and blankets that me and the team set up for them.

"When did that get here?"

"It's been their just sit their and look cute"

I walked out of the club room and locked the door behind me so no one walked in and tried to do something to ushijima. Not that he can't defend himself it's that he most likely wouldn't hurt anyone.

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