Mattsuhana: sleepover

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Ok is it only me or do you think that you were born in the wrong world like I WANT TO BE IN ATTACK ON TITAN SO FUCKING BAD UGHHHHH. Anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk.

Makki's pov

Me, oikawa, iwazumi and mattsun are have a sleepover tonight we thought it would be funny to mimic what the girls do, everyone knew oikawa and iwazumi liked each other it's obvious and me and mattsun had a plan tonight to get them to just make out with each other and me and mattsun had the perfect idea... truth or dare I know we are so classy!

It's after school and we are heading to mattsun's house. As we got their it was already sun down our practice ended up being dragged out longer than we expected it to.

Mattsun's mom left dinner for us so we ate and got our sleeping area ready.

We were all In mattsun's living room we moved the couches back and left the coffee table in the middle.

"Me and makki had an idea" mattsun said with a smirk "we're gonna play truth or dare, you know like the girls do" he said laughing and so was I. We all agreed to play and made some rules
1) no dating someone to have sex
2) obviously no lying and we have a penalty for it
3) nothing involving blowjobs/hand jobs infront on everyone
4) 7 minutes in heaven is SO allowed

And those were our rules so we got started.

Mattsun's pov

Decided to play truth or dare it was me and makki's idea to get oikawa and iwazumi together but oikawa was helping me out in a way he made one of our rules be
"7 minutes in heaven is SO allowed"
He knew about my crush on makki and also knew that I had to tell him even though I didn't want to and knew makki didn't feel the same way.

"Ok who goes first" I said wiggling my eyebrows

"How about you go first you look ever eager to play" makki said giggling at me

"Fineeeee" "iwazumi truth or dare"

"Truth" He said bluntly

"Damn I would have thought you would have had more guts than that but ok, do you like anyone at the moment?" I said with a smirk already knowing who he liked.

"Ehh! Umm you could say that.." he said looking at the ground with obvious blush on his face. We were all in a circle makki was to my left iwazumi was infront of me and oikawa on his right in front of makki.

"Oh ho ho ho who's the lucky person" oikawa said nudging him with a sly face, iwazumi simply looked away and said

"You can only ask one question"

"Ok than iwazumi it's your turn" makki said now laying on his stomach with his legs playing in the air I couldn't help but gimps at his ass it was perfect. OH GOD WHAT AM I THINKING AM I A PERV?!?!!

"Ok oikawa truth or dare" iwazumi asked still having a slight pink tint on his face

"Ohhhh dare!" Oikawa said with a closed eyed smile

"Ok than prank call mad dog" iwazumi said with an evil smirk

"ARE YOU RTYING TO GET ME KILLED?!?" Oikawa said almost pulling his hair out

"I mean it wouldn't be a bad idea now just do the dare" he said with a blank face

"Do mean iwa-Chan" oikawa said with his classic pouty face he picked up his phone and called mad dog

He answered and oikawa put it on speaker

"Sir I just wanted to see if you are interested in our limited edition poof panties they have maximum poof and even better their washable that means if you have an accident you can wash your poof panties and be all set for the next day!" Oikawa said in his best advertising voice.

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