Iwaoi: my iwa-chan

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Ok so hear me out I'm just saying that if I could become a piece of bread I wouldn't be whole-grain I'd be nothing. I would eat myself. Enjoy the chapter

3rd person

It was a pretty long day for oikawa, a girl had just gave him a love letter and told him to meet her in the back of the school. How annoying Oikawa thought.

Oikawa was never good at rejecting girls so he just says yes and breaks up with them a few days later.

Some girls want to go farther than just a kiss or a hug... he doesn't like the idea of him doing "that" with a girl because well he was in love with someone else that wasn't well... female he loved his childhood friend hajime iwazumi.

How was he just supposed to tell everyone "hey! I'm gay for my best friend!" And not get called a ( warning for homophobic slurs) "fag" or worse iwazumi not feeling the same way.

The brunette was lost in thought than he realized it was time for lunch. During lunch oikawa kept spacing out.

Oikawa's pov

What if instead of me on top of a girl iwa-chan on top of me... I snap myself back into reality. Me and iwa-chan we're sitting on the roof when the same girl from earlier came over with a not so pleased face,

"Oikawa you didn't meet me in the back of the school did you even read my letter!!" She said with anger

"Umm in guess not sorry I didn't know you wanted to talk to me during lunch I thought you meant after school"

She didn't say anything than I felt a stinging in my left cheek

"HEY WHO SAYS YOU CAN PUT YOUR HANDS ON OIKAWA" hajime says and grabs her hand and shoved her back he look pissed.

yelled a couple of girls ran over and than started to help her up form the floor.

One of the other ladies were yelling at iwa-Chan I stood up and told her to shove off. Soon the all the ladies left taking the girl to the nurse.

"Oikawa you ok? does your cheek still hurt?" He says as we sit back down facing each other he carefully put his hand on my red cheek.

"Y-yea I'm fine it doesn't hurt a volleyball hurts way more!" I tried looking away to avoid him seeing the obvious blush that was spread across my face.

"Eh whatever shittykawa"

"Iwa-Chan is so mean" I said in my normal complaining voice.

"So that girl gave you a love letter and didn't read it?"

"Umm yea I guess I was... distracted"

"You are an asshole oikawa!" He said scolding me

"Hey it isn't my fault I'm not interested in her! I-i like someone else"

"You actually like someone?!"

"Yea he's everything to me" I said with a daze in my eyes and than realized what I said...

ONE-SHOTS OF THY HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now