Iwaoi: my oikawa!

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Ok so you know how my second chapter was 'my iwa-Chan'? Well heres 'My Oikawa!' It is NOT a part 2.

One shots are one shots for a reason. Well in my book they are ;)

Iwazumi's pov

Damn it... DAMN IT

Oikawa started dating this STUPID guy. He doesn't treat Oikawa how he should. He's only using Oikawa for his popularity. Classy move.

I can't just go up to Oikawa and tell him that his boyfriend is a stick in the mud. It would be pointless.

The stupid guys name is Hoshi Myojo. And he is the number one person that pisses me off. He dumps Oikawa in the dirt and Shittykawa is still with him? Unbelievable.

I don't think people understand how much I crave to be in Hoshi's shoes. I love Oikawa, as the person he is not the popularity he brings.

I know I've always called Oikawa names but that's just how I care for people. Mainly him. It's tough love. The love I wish I could give to Oikawa but can't because of Hoshi.

How does Oikawa not see it? Maybe he does... maybe he's just putting up with Hoshi for a reason.

I was sitting on the roof top. It was lunch time and me and Oikawa used to always come to this spot, we would laugh and I would Chase him around. It was like we were kids again...

Hoshi doesn't like Oikawa hanging out around me. He hasn't told Oikawa this but he has told me. But no matter what I'll wait her for Oikawa, no matter how long or hard it will be, I will be here.

"Iwa-Chan!!!!" I heard a familiar annoyingly cute person yell.

I was laying down on one of the benches and I looked to my left and saw Oikawa standing over me.

"What are you doing here Oikawa and where's that boyfriend of yours" I said looking back up at the sky.

Oikawa sat by my head.

"Isn't this our spot? We always came here to have lunch!"

"WHEN we would have lunch together" I said. I was kind of mad... Hoshi was taking away Oikawa. And I hated it. I wanted Oikawa all to myself. I know it's selfish but it's just the way I am.

"Heh..." Oikawa said sadly.


"I miss hanging out with you Oikawa." I said bluntly

"You do?... I thought I annoyed you.."

"Not really... you never did. I want things to go back to normal Oikawa." I said sitting up. My back was still facing Oikawa.

"I do to iwa-Chan..."

"Why did you decide to date Hoshi?" I said turning around to face Oikawa. My legs were on either side of the bench.

Me and oikawa's eyes finally met... it feels like it's been so long Sense I was able to be lost in his perfect brown eyes..

Oikawa scooted closer... really close.. and rested is head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist to hold him there.

It feels like a dream. It feels to perfect right now. I love it.

We stayed like that in silence, comfortable silence. I dug my face into his hair and tightened my grip.

His hair smelt like cinnamon. I love Oikawas sent...

"Hey iwa-chan..."


ONE-SHOTS OF THY HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now