Iwaoi: body? Im more than my body..

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Ok this is based off a song called "body" and it's stuck in my head and I love it so I'm writing a chapter on it. This will kinda be sad I guess idk.

Ok I like how I write like romance books but yet I hate the idea of romance for myself 😬

Oikawa's pov

"Oikawa your so handsome!"

"Oikawa is cute"

"Right! His body looks good to"

"I want that body in my bed"

"Why was he born with all the looks?"

"If I'm gonna be honest I want to take his clothes off"

"Ehh he's nothing but a pretty boy"

"The only thing he's good for is laying down and being a slut"

"I want to touch him"

"I want him on top of me"

"I would only date him for sex if I'm gonna be honest"

"Why does he get all the girls"





"Your only good for your body."

I hear those everyday the more I hear them the more I feel uncomfortable in my own skin..

Am I really only good for my body? Is that all I'm meant to be? Good looking but no talent no purpose? Am I not good at volleyball? Do I have to work harder? Do I just let these people touch me?

Do I just give in?

Than I felt something smack into the back of my head.

Iwa-chan smacked me with a volleyball ball. He was giving me this look like he was trying to get me to tell me what's on my mind.

"Hey iwa-Chan!" I smiled and walked over to him

"What are you doing we still have 30 minutes left of practice. Tell me what's on your mind"

"Hmm? Oh I was thinking about a test that I took yesterday I'm hoping I got a good score."
I said digging my thoughts into the back of my head.

"If you say so."

After practice me and iwa-chan were walking to class when I heard something

"Oh look it's Oikawa do you think he'll let me take him home." A guy laughed

"Haha Yea but I wouldn't date him I mean he is only good for his body"

My head fell to the floor I started to memorize the ground below me.

"Shittykawa what's up with you today?" Iwa-chan said lifting up my head

"Hmm? Yea I just got distracted!" I put on a smile and started talking about aliens and things to distract me from the rumors flying around me.

We got to class and sat down. Someone passed me a note. I opened it and it read,

'You've got a nice ass wanna meet me in the bathrooms at lunch?'

I looked up and meet eyes with a guy he winked at me and but his lip.

I wrote down on the piece of paper.

'What the hell? No.'

I passed it back to them. He looked back at me and threw the note back.

'That's ok your nothing but a piece of ass anyway it's not like you have a choice you will meet me in the bathrooms.'

ONE-SHOTS OF THY HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now