Mattsuhana: your such a dork!

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OMG ITS THE 'put your hand in my back pocket' THING

Moving on.

Makki's pov

We finally got done with a practice match with another school. Their number 12 keeps looking at me... weirdo.

"Mattsun! I'm tired!" I said slumping over on mattsun

Me and mattsun have been dating for awhile now.

I got off him and walked over to my bag and took my shirt off. Number 12 suddenly walked over to me.

He was y'all with red and black hair. Red on one side and black on the other.

"Hey~ I just wanted to come over and see if I could get your number maybe? Or maybe we can go to a better place."

I can't lie this guy want bad looking.. not at all.. but not good looking enough for me to cheat.

"I'm taken. No thanks."

"They don't need to know.." he said grabbing my hip.

"He said he was taken. That means back off." Mattsun suddenly appeared.

"I wasn't asking you asswhole." Number 12 retorted

"Do you wanna go short ass!" Mattsun said rolling up his jacket sleeve

"Let's go!" Number 12 said stepping closer. He was about to swing but I got in the way and got punched in the face.

Mattsun got pissed and co-clocked this guy in the face.

"Mattsun!" Oikawa and hajime said running to get Mattsun off of this guy

"Kai!" The other teams captain was now running to help stop the fight

"Damn you half and half bastard!" Mattsun yelled

(Yes I did just reference mha)

I helped get Mattsun away from this guy... Mattsun had a bloody nose and the other guy had a black eye. It wasn't to big of a fight but Mattsun got hurt... that really pisses me off..

"Mattsun are you crazy! Starting a fight randomly!" Oikawa lectured

"It was his fault! He hit makki first! Look that the bruise on his face!" Mattsun said still extremely angry

I've never seen Mattsun this angry...

I touched where my face hurt.. is there really a bruise?

"What exactly happened?" Hajime asked us

"Well, number 12 came up to me while I was changing and suggested that me and him go to a 'better place' I declined him and told him that I wasn't single but he still persistent. Than Mattsun came over.. and you know the rest" I explained handing Mattsun a tissue and rubbing his cheek softly...

"Than it that bastards fault!" Oikawa said trying to run over to the other team and start another fight.

"We don't need you getting hurt to Shittykawa!" Iwaizumi said grabbing onto Oikawa's shirt.

"Are you ok Mattsun?" I asked pulling back some of his hair. He pulled me into his lap and looked up at me.

"Tell me if that bastard comes back ok?" Mattsun said with a smile

"I asked you if you were ok, not to go and pick more fights!" I said laughing

"Is your cheek ok?"

"Yea it's fine.." I said putting my head on his shoulder

Mattsun wrapped his arms around me.. I've never seen him THIS angry..

"Come on love birds lets get going." Iwaizumi said pulling Oikawa along

"Come on let's go" I said getting off Mattsun's lap.

I helped him up and we walked out of the building. We had to walk by the team with the red and black haired guy.

As we did Mattsun put his hand in my back pocket, and looked back and stuck his tongue out at them. We made them look like complete fools anyway! I mean we won easily!

We all walked home and the whole time Mattsun had his hand in my back pocket. I don't know why but I didn't really care..

"Mattsun why did you get so mad before?" I asked looking slightly up at him

"He hit you didnt he?" Mattsun looked down at me

"No before that!"

"I guess I was just mad that he didn't back off when you told him to... it pissed me off because even though you said you weren't single he still wanted to hook up with you.." Mattsun said with a deep voice

I stopped him and wrapped my arms around his neck...

"You know that I would never cheat right?" I said tilting my head

"I know that! It was just jealousy..." Mattsun Than nuzzled his head into my neck

"Really? You were jealous of a half and half bastard that only wanted to hook up with me?"

"No I was jealous that he got your attention and I didn't..."

"YOUR SUCH A DORK!" I said laughing my ass off

"Hey! Don't laugh!"

"I'm sorry! It's just to good!" I said falling down to the floor with laughter "ok, ok I'm sorry for laughing baby.... it's just funny how you were jealous of a guy like THAT" I said getting up and kissing Mattsuns cheek.

"Come on let's just go home.."



Ahh yes. Another late chapter.

Ok this one is Completely on me! I didn't start writing until like 12 and than I passsed out at like 12:30.

I'm sorry this ones on me!

Good day

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