Kagehina: my weird confession

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Don't trust atoms, they make up everything

HahaHahaha I'm so funny T^T

Kageyama's pov

UGH I want him so bad!

I looked at hinata whipping his face off with his shirt. His stomach was showing and I was holding back a nose bleed.

I picked up a towel and threw it at hinata

"USE A TOWEL BOKE!" I yelled

Hinata grabbed the towel and whipped his face off and walked over to me.

"Thanks bakayama!" Hinata said with a laugh. I had to look away. The sun was to bright.

(If you get the joke you get the joke 😂)

I just ruffled his hair and he looked up at me with a slight blush. God he's adorable

"HINATA BOKE" I said ruffling his hair more.

"Kageyama!" Hinata said

"Oi you two get back to practice!" Daichi yelled at us.

We just went back to practice.

After practice me and Hinata were the only ones left in the club room.

"Hinata... if someone were to ask you out how would you want them to go about it?" I said nervously

"Hmm? Oh! I guess I would want it to be simple but cute.. like maybe flowers or- WAIT why are YOU asking me this?" Hinata said turning over to me

"Eh?! No reason I was just making conversation!" I said quickly

"Okkk if you say sooooo" Hinata said turning back into his locker.

That was close. To close...

So Hinata would want flowers but he would want it to be simple...

How was I supposed to do this? Hmmmm and that's when it hit me... it was perfect.

Hinata's pov

Kageyama has been acting weird lately he keeps asking me what my favorite things are or things I wish I had...

After a few days I found a letter sitting on my desk. It had a heart to seal it.

My whole class just 'Aww'ed and my friends walked over to me

"Who's that from?" One of my friends asked me

"I don't know.. it doesn't say"

I always liked the idea of someone confessing through a love letter so in my mind I thought it was insanely cute.

I opened the letter and it read:

I really like you hinata shoyo. To find out who I am you'll have to follow my clues to find me.

Where is the one place you never stop smiling at

What was that supposed to mean? Where do I continuously smile?


The bell rang for class to start. I guess I'm going to the gym after class.

Class ended and I ran out of the door and to the gym. I reached outside and went inside the gym.

A ball was thrown at my head and I fell backwards. I looked at the ball rolling on the ground. There was a note attached to it.

Your next clue is:

Where do you always go before a game when your nervous?

The bathrooms. Easy.

I ran out of the gym and to the bathrooms. I got to the first floor bathroom and there was nothing there. So I went to the second floor bathroom.

I found a note on the stall and picked it up

I'm starting to get a bit nervous for doing this.. but here's your next clue:

I love the flowers in our garden.

Do they mean the flowers in the court yard?

I quickly ran down to the court yard and looked in the flowers only to find a note sitting within them

Your smile is as bright as the sun... where is the best place at school to get a good view?

The roof. It was the best place to see the view ahead.

I was getting tired of running so I just walked up all the stairs and to the roof. I found a note on the door with flowers under it.

How did they know I liked flowers? I picked up flowers and the note and read it

I know you like flowers so here you go. I'll be on the roof top when your ready to talk to me...

I was hoping it was the person I was thinking about.... kageyama.. I really liked kageyama. And he's the only one I told that I loved flowers... could it actually be?.... I started to get excited

I walked onto the roof and didn't see anyone in sight. I walked around for a bit longer until I started to see a figure in the distance. No one else was on the roof besides them so could that be the person who's trying to ask me out. In the CUTEST way possible?

I started to walk up to them and their figure started to come onto view.

Tall black hair.. tall black hair... kageyama...

I walked up to kageyama and looked up at him nervously. I can't believe it was kageyama! It was like a dream come true...

Kageyama looked nervous. He had a big blush plastered on his face.

I was still holding the flowers and walked infront of kageyama

"So your the one that left those letters?..." I said looking up at him

"Y-Yea..." I could tell how nervous he was "umm Hinata... I just wanted to tell you that I really like you and I was wondering maybe you wanted to go on a date sometime?...." Kageyama said scratching the back of his neck

I stepped closer to kageyama and reached up to kiss him. Our lips connected and I ended up dropping the flowers and kageyama grabbed my waist.

I broke the kiss and looked up at kageyama

"I like you to bakayama" I said laughing

Kageyama Just nuzzled his face into my neck. So cute!

"But that was a weird confession kageyama! But I thought it was cute.."

Kageyama just kissed me again and than we separated and sat on a bench that was near by. I picked up the flowers from off the ground and leaned my head on kageyama's shoulder.

What a weird confession

Word count: 1008

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