Ennotaka: allergic

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Tanaka's pov

My body's acting weird... whenever I'm around ennoshita my heart starts beating really fast and I feel my face heat up.

I think I'm allergic to ennoshita!

"Ennoshita!" I said calling him over. He walked over with a small smile and I could already feel my heart beat faster.


"Don't come to close! I think I'm allergic to you"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Ennoshita said in a pissed off tone "you know what I don't think I wanna know." Ennoshita said walking off

My heart stopped beating so fast and actually started to hurt. What's going on with me?

Hmm noya might know!

"Yo noya!"

"What's up bro!"

"I have a problem. Every time I'm around Ennoshita my heart starts beating faster and my face heats up and sometimes I feel oddly nervous."

"Dude I'm not even this dumb. Are you kidding me? Think about it tanaka you like being around Ennoshita right?"

I nodded my head

"And you blush whenever he's around you so think about it tanaka! You like him you idiot!"

My eyes widened. Holy shit. I like ennoshita

"So?" Noya said looking up at me

"Holy shit" I was shocked. Not because I liked Ennoshita no. Because I know I will never have a chance "I have no chance with him.." I said flopping down on the ground and moping.

"Get up tanaka you have to at least try!"

I shook my head no. Their was no way that Ennoshita would ever feel the same way. NEVER

"I'm doomed" I said

"Go try now!"

"You want me to go now?!"

"Yes!" Noya said dragging me over to ennoshita.


"Ennoshita Tanaka needs to talk to you".

"Hmm? If he's gonna say that he's allergic to me I don't want to hear it."

"It's not about that he has something else to say"

Ennoshita just looked down at me. I couldn't do it! No way

I just ran out of the gym door and hid in the club room. It wasn't my best hiding place but it worked.

What am I gonna do?! I like a guy that will NEVER like me back. He's to good for me! This is such a disaster!

Should I try getting rid of these feelings? Maybe I should try and suppress them until their gone? No this is stupid!

My heart started hurting again. What if he ends up with someone new? What than? My heart started to hurt even more

What if we got together and than got bored of me and left me?! My heart started hurting even more.

I need to stop my chest is practically sinking within me.

I just really want Ennoshita... I want him to be mine forever. Heh like that's ever gonna happen.

Am I just being dramatic? Probably. I just don't know what to make of my new feelings. I've never felt this way before... love hurts..

I sat outside of the club room trying to collect myself. I thought I liked kiyoko? I mean I've never felt anything towards her lately..

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