Yakulev: cherry blossoms

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Day 2653589712323: you know what I'm starting to think I am a piece of bread I just haven't tasted myself. Also I wish I were a dinosaur. Because their dead.

Lev's pov

It was about 12:37 and I was looking out my classroom window when I saw my upper class-man, yaku!

I knew well enough that I liked yaku and I tend to stare at him a lot but from here he can't see me.

He was talking to a random girl from his class I think.

The cherry blossom leaves started to fall and yaku looked gorgeous... but short. HAHA I still can't talk to yaku normally atthis point he probably hates me now because I keep making fun of him because he's short.

Yaku looked amazing but that damn girl seems to be flirting with him.

It was pissing me off.

About an hour later it was lunch time and I left to find yaku.

I found him sitting by some more cherry trees eating his lunch I was about to go up to him when that damn girl got to him first.

"Hey yaku-san!"

"Hey maya"

"I-I want to tell you something..."



I stood their shocked was he gonna say yes? Would he get a girlfriend and than get married and have tons of children?!

I walked up to them.

"HEY YAKU!" I said like normal

"Excuse me this is a private conversation. Leave." The girl said. she was really short like even shorter than nishinoya from Karasono

"No he's staying here I think you should go." Yaku said standing up

Was yaku defending me?

"But yaku-san! You have to answer me!" The girl said in a bratty tone.

"My answer is no leave"

Long story short she ran away crying.

I sat by yaku

"Why did you defend me?"

I really didn't know I mean yea i like him and I should be happy about this but now I'm just generally curious.

"Ehh? I didn't!" Yaku said looking at me

The Sakura leaves behind him looked so beautiful more like he looked so beautiful...

I was caught in a daze

"LEV!" Yaku yelled smacking the back of my head.

"OW! What was that for?!"

"You were staring at me!"

"Ehh n-no I wasn't i was staring behind you!"

"And what exactly where you looking at?!"

I had to think fast or I might end up confessing to yaku now.

"M-my crush! She w-was over their but she left!"


"You have a crush?" Yaku looked at me confused

"I guess?" I said not to sure about it

I didn't have a crush on a girl I'm not into girls I like guys, more specifically Yaku.

Yaku's pov

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