Kuroken: my kitten

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I like Twinkie.

you have Twinkie?

Give me.

Thank you.

Kuroo's pov

Damn... kenma looks so cute today... I don't know if I can hold back any longer...


I'm just being over dramatic, I think bokuto is rubbing off on me.

Kenma set the ball to Yamamoto and Yamamoto spiked it down but yaku received it. The ball went back up into the air and Lev was going to hit it. Today Lev has been in top shape so I run up and block the spike.

"KUROO! Let me at least land a hit!" Lev said complaining

"Than work on your spike more. If you can't get past one blocker than how do you expect to get past three blockers?" I asked

Lev just gave me a pouty face. I'm happy that yaku has to deal with him.

"I'm happy that I don't have to set for him." Kenma says walking up to me.

That last point won us the practice match. And Kenma looked sweaty and I probably did to.

"Kenma here's a towel" I said handing Kenma a towel

He took the towel and whipped his face and neck off. Kenma started to look around and inside his bag.

"What are you looking for?"

"My water bottle.. I think I left it in the club room. I'll just-"

"Here just drink from mine" I said with a small smile

Kenma took the water bottle, Yamamoto walked by and saw what was going on... great here we go...

"Indirect kiss!" Yamamoto yelled and Lev laughing from behind him

Kenma chocked on the water, I started patting his back so he wouldn't I don't know, DIE

"You made me choke Yamamoto.." Kenma says looking up at him

"Ehh?! Sorry Kenma! It's true though... it was totally an indirect kiss!" Yamamoto said with a smile

"I don't get it?" Kenma said

I could feel my face heat up... the thought of kissing Kenma would send me flying into heaven.

"Kuroo drank from his water bottle but than you drank right after him, both of your lips touched the same place! So it was an indirect kiss!" Yamamoto explained

I could see kenma's face become flushed with red.

"Aww kenma's blushing!" Lev said

"Shut up Lev..." kenma's said grabbing his bag and walking out to the club room.

"Looks like Kuroo enjoyed the thought of hissing Kenma!" Lev pointed out

"It would be nice.." I said looking up at the ceiling with a smile and a blush

"Geez your such a simp!" Yaku said walking over

"Ehh?! When did you get here?!" I said  confused

"Geez are you that mesmerized by Kenma that you can't even see when your own teammate is walking toward you?"

I guess I was...

"You know people usually have nicknames for people they like or dating. Maybe you should give Kenma a nickname!" Lev said

"I mean you called yaku cute yesterday" Yamamoto pointed out

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