Kunkuni: a-are you cold?

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Yes. I know. It's beautiful. Any haikyuu ship is beautiful. It's true.

Kindaichi's pov

I was walking with kunimi, yahaba and kyotani. It was mid winter... and was pretty cold.

I noticed that kunimi didn't bring a scarf or anything to keep him warm... not even a warmer jacket... that weird yesterday he had a scarf and a jacket...

I wanted to lend him mine... I really did... but I was afraid that yahaba and kyotani might make fun of me...

(Kyotani is mad dog btw, just Incase some of you guys didn't know...)

He looked cold... and tired, but he's always tired.. so it's nothing new.

His hands are red... and his face... he's really cold... by the looks of it... I want to at least give him my jacket... but we need to lose kyotani and yahaba first.

We were passing by a convenience store. Perfect!

"Hey guys! I have to go grab something! I'm taking kunimi with me! You guys can go on ahead!" I said pulling kunimi into the store.

"What do you need to get?"

I forgot my water bottle at home.. so I guess I did need to get something.

"Just a water bottle.." I started looking around and found a light blue water bottle. It was much better quality than my last one anyway.

I picked it up and kunimi was waiting for me by the door. I payed for the water bottle and we left...

I didn't think this through... I DONT HAVE THE GUTS TO GIVE KUNIMI MY JACKET!

No! I have to! He'll catch a cold like that...

I start to take off my jacket.. kunimi turned around to me confused. I draped the jacket over his shoulders. Sense our height differences the jacket was way bigger on kunimi than me... he looked cute...

"W-What?" Kunimi said looking up at me with blush, or what I assume is blush, his face his pretty cold to... I lightly caressed his cheek. "K-kindaichi?.." kunimi asked me again


I pulled my hand away from his cheek and backed away a bit..

"Y-you looked cold so..."

Kunimi suddenly pulled my hand back on his cheek,

"Your hand is warm..."

I blushed...

"Why didn't you bring a jacket or at least a scarf! It's freezing outside!" I said grabbing both of his hands... there colder than ice...

"I forgot them at home..." kunimi said looking away from me blushing

"Than wear my jacket for today ok? I don't want you freezing to death..." I said blowing on his hands to warm them up.

"Aww look! It's young love!"

I was shocked. Me and kunimi looked over to see Oikawa, Iwaizumi-san, Mattsun and makki.

"Shut up Shittykawa!" Iwaizumi said pushing Oikawa along

"Awww are you guys dating?????" Oikawa said as he was being pushed away by Iwaizumi..

Good to know that Oikawa and the rest of them aren't homophobic..

They left me and kunimi standing there flustered and totally embarrassed..

"I-I'm Sorry!" I said bowing

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