Ennotaka: secret Admire

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Ok THANK YOU FOR 50 READS IT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME. At first I just created this book because all the stories I read never had the right SASS but I'd never thought anyone would actually read them! Thank you so much enjoy the chaper!

Ennoshita's pov

Me' Tanaka and kinoshita were walking to change our shoes when I found a letter in my locker,


"Tanaka quiet down its 7:00am and no one needs to be hearing you yelling"

"Haha but seriously who would give you a love letter!" Kinoshita said jokingly

"HEY maybe they see the kind guy that he his!" Tanaka said defensively

"Tanaka calm down he was just joking, hmm it's not a love letter it's a secret admire"

"No way what does it say!?!" Kinoshita said while swinging an arm over my shoulder and Tanaka standing next to me leaning over my shoulder resting his chin on my shoulder,

"It says 'I'm gonna tell you the truth
                I like you a lot
                You make me happy
                You make me laugh
                Your smart
                Your different
                Your a little awkward
                And your smile alone
                Can make my day
                secret admire'

"Well I wasn't expecting that..." I did with a little bit of blush on my face,

"That was so cute! who ever this girl is she's good at writing!" Kinoshita said

Tanaka said while backing up and pointing at me directly

"O-of course I am! I somehow have an secret admire! But this letter is really cute..." I said in a quiet voice,

Tanaka blushed a bit I don't know why maybe he saw a cute girl behind me know him that would be the case. We started to walk to class

"My smile isn't that cute though..." I mumble to myself but Tanaka heard me and said,

"WAAAAA ENNOSHITA YOUR SMILE IS LIKE THE CUTEST!" Tanaka said waving his hands in the air.

"Ehh you really think so?.." I said looking up slightly.

Tanaka's pov

"You really think so?.." ennoshita said looking up at me with the CUTEST face ever his eyes sparkled in the light in the hall way.

"I-oh course you do I mean who ever said you don't me and that person are gonna have a little 'talk'"

"Sense when did you get so protective over me?" Ennoshita said with a giggle

"I'm not I'm just saying the truth! I-i mean I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking!" I said quickly

"Ok what ever you say!" Ennoshita said while walking into his class

"Hey tanaka thanks for walking me to class maybe we can eat lunch later?" Ennoshita said before opening the classroom door.

"O-oh Um YEA" I said with my more enthusiastic voice

"Ok I'll see you later I'll meet you on the roof?" Ennoshita said with a smile

"Yea I'll see you there" I don't want to admit it but blushed at him but thank good he went in his classroom before he saw. I was walking down the halls only to hear,

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