Kuroken: just one more

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So today's chapter is gonna be a Kuroo x fem kenma because idk I want it to be 😂

Kuroo's pov

Of course kenma is with her boyfriend.. damn that scumbag!

Enji Fujio. He used to be a friend of mine when I told him about my crush on kenma. Little did I know he would take her away from me.

He had his arm wrapped around kenma's waist and looked back at me and smirked.

I wanna beat that bastards face in. Kenma looked extremely uncomfortable she never really likes it when people touch her. Well she gave me hugs when I would walk her home.. WHEN I would. I don't get to anymore. Stupid enji! I loved walking kenma home... I love kenma.

He did it on purpose! He stole her from me.! I could feel my own rage unlatch from my body.

I walked up to kenma and enji

"Hey kenma want to walk home together" I said normally. I haven't gotten to walk home with kenma in 1 whole month.

"No she's-"

"Gladly" Kenma interrupted

I could see enji start to get pissed off. I just laughed a little bit

"Come on kenma it's been forever sense we walked home together!"

Kenma just gave me a small smile and walked over to me. Enji grabbed her hand pulling her back and making her drop her PS on the ground

"What the hell?!" Kenma said trying to get out of his grip

"I'm your boyfriend so you should walk with me!"

"Stop it! I want to walk with Kuroo! Get off me!"

I grabbed kenma and pulled her into my chest

"Back off enji." I said glaring at him

"Shes mine so give her back. You have no right to touch her."

"Says the one she was struggling against. She's not yours nor is she anyone's. Kenma belongs to herself and no one else!"

I picked up kenma's Game Console. Me and kenma started to walk away.

I see that we made quite a big scene and I know kenma doesn't like that kind of attention

"Thank you Kuroo" Kenma said looking up from her game.

Kenma wasn't a very flat girl. She was pretty curvy but she never wore anything revealing. She had long dyed hair with her ruts still black.

"No problem.. you don't really like him do you?"

Kenma looked away from me

"No I don't.."

"Than why date him?!"

"It wasn't really my choice"

What does she mean by that?! Did he force her to date him?! I'll kill that asswhole!

"I didn't mean to say yes to him.. I was gonna say no but I thought about someone else and accidentally said 'yes' out loud"

Who was she thinking about?

"You like someone else?" I asked looking down at her she looked up at me

"I never said that."

I felt my heart metaphorically crushed.

"But I guess you could say that..."

My eyes widen. Kenma liked someone that wasn't enji?

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