Kagehina: kissy?

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thank you so much for 150k+ Thank you all for helping me get this far! I can't believe y'all like my horrible story's like wtf is wrong with you people do y'all need help? Like I look back at some of my story's and CRINGE LIKE HOW TF DO YALL LIKE THIS CRAP?! Anyway I'm not done with this book yet so stay tuned.

Hi! So according to Wattpad statistics 📊 only a small amount of people who have read my story are actually followed! If you get a wild hair up your ass follow me! It's free and you can always change your mind later!

Kageyama's pov:

I was practicing my serves in practice when I saw Hinata staring at me, he looked like he wanted to say something to me but by the looks of it I don't think he would tell me.

After I finished my last serve I decided to TRY and get Hinata to tell me what's up with him.
I walked over to him and sat down, I leaned over a grabbed my water bottle and took a drink before starting this conversation.

"Hinata what's up with you today?" I asked raising a brow

"Huh??? When did you get here??" He asked jumping when he heard me speak

"Did you not see me walk over??? You were looking at me I would have guessed that you would have seen me come over" I asked in curiosity

"I-I WASNT LOOKING AT YOU!" Hinata yelled causing everyone to stare at us.

"What's going on Hinata? Are you feeling ok?" Daichi asked while walking over to us.

"Y-yea I'm fine.." Hinata said looking away obviously embarrassed of his sudden outburst.

"Ok just get back to practice.." Daichi said as he shrugged his shoulders and walked away looking back to make sure everything was truly ok.

I looked back over to Hinata. He looked at me for a split second and looked away with a blush on his face.

"Hinata you ok?" I asked

"Yea I'm fine!" He raised his voice but not loud enough that it would catch anyone else's attention. "It's nothing really..." Hinata says while fidgeting with his hair and scrapping his feet on the floor back and forth.

"It's obviously bothering you. Tell me" I stepped forward a little bit.

"Well... I want a kissy" Hinata said as he looked up to me with puppy dog eyes and a blush on his face.

So I did the only thing reasonable


"I-I know that! NEVERMIND THAN!" Hinata said embarrassed, he picked up a ball and ran away.

DAMN IT I MESSED UP WHY WHY WHY WHY. Now I want a kissy- I mean a kiss.

The end of practice was approaching and all I could see was Hinata lips... I wanted them so bad right now...

Hinata received the last ball and it failed horribly. It smacked into the wall and almost hit him in the face.

Everyone was putting things away and Hinata wouldn't make eye contact with me when I spoke with him. Ok so one minute he's staring at me and than the next he won't even look my way, sometimes he acts like a teenage girl, and by that I mean EXTREMELY bipolar (aka me. I don't want to talk about how DAMN EMOTIONAL I GET FOR NO DAMN REASON. Anyway)

After everyone was finished we all went to the changing room and got changed, Hinata takes forever so I wait for him to get done, by the time he finishes everyone is already gone.

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