Bokuaka: my omega!

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Ok so I was wonderinggg if you guys were a haikyuu character who would you be?

I'd be kenma I play wayyyyy to many video games 😆

Bokuto's pov

I've always thought akaashi was pretty I mean he has those pretty deep blue eyes and if you look closely they have hints of green in them. His raven black hair is gorgeous.. and not to mention his rare smile....

Akaashi is just beautiful...

"Bokuto-san are you ok? You keep staring into space"

"Oya? I'm just thinking!"

"Heh sense when did you do that?"


Akaashi giggled. He actually giggled... UGH HES SO CUTE.

Akaashi's pov

I was one of the only omegas in my grade that means all the alphas wanted to mark me. I did like any of them though..

I knew bokuto-san was an alpha but he never treated me any different. I liked that about him..

If I were to choose an alpha it would have to be bokuto-san he's the only one that actually respects me.

I'm not saying I'm the only omega and I'm definitely not saying that everyone likes me. But some people have come up to me and bluntly asked to mark me.

Who even does that how do you just go up to someone you don't even know and ask to mark them? It's ridicules.

Bokuto has never made me feel uncomfortable or pushed me to do anything that's not volleyball related. He never hurt me or yelled at me. Or even asked to mark me.

I know it's shocking to say this, but it seems like when it comes to me Bokuto-san is more gentle. It's shocking.

"AKSHIIIIII!" Bokuto yelled running over to me.

"Bokuto-san it's 6am your to loud."

"Oh sorry I was just happy to see you!"

I secretly smiled behind my hair. It was mid winter and I forgot my gloves at home. I decided I would be fine.

I regret my decision.

"Hey akaashi are you ok you keep blowing on your hands?"

"Oh I forgot my gloves at home so I'm trying to keep my hands warm"

"OH let me help!" Bokuto grabbed my hands and held them between his. He lightly kissed them and than looked up at me.

My face was flushed red and I was trying to hide it by looking away.

Bokuto grabbed my chin and slowly moved it back facing him. With his other hand he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.

My face was completely flushed red I rested my hands on Bokutos shoulders he moved his other hand down to my waist.

Bokuto was just staring into my eyes we sat their in the middle of the street mesmerized by eachother.

Bokutos pov

I was lost in akaashi's eyes... they were so beautiful I couldn't look away I looked down to his lips. They looked so kissable and soft... I looked back up to his eyes.

I was completely red. I was so close to akaashi.. he looked even better up close..

I started to lean down and close my eyes. I met with akaashi's lips.

At first I could feel him tense up but he soon kissed me back. HE ACTUALLY KISSED ME BACK.

I thought he was just going to slap me but he actually kissed me back?! Do I actually have a chance with THE akaashi?!

At firsts his lips were icy cold but soon they became warm. His lips were so soft I couldn't get enough of him.

We kept kissing until someone interrupted us. Damn it.

"Umm am I interrupting something?" Konoha said awkwardly standing their

"Oh! U-umm-"

"Yes you are." I said bluntly. I was kind of mad because he broke me away from akaashi

"Oooook than I'm gonna leave..." konoha just walked around us.

"That was so embarrassing.." akaashi said burring his face in my chest.


"Hey akaashi"


"Will you go out with me?"

Akaashi looked up with a blush on his face. He was looking at me like he was trying to look for a hint of sarcasm in my face.

"Of course bokuto-san"

I leaned down and kissed him again I put all my affection in to the kiss.



"U-umm well c-could you I don't k-know maybe m-mark me..."

My face went red. Akaashi wanted ME to mark HIM?!

I just nodded I could tell akaashi was nervous and a little embarrassed about asking me to mark him.

He tilted his head opening up his neck for me to mark

I leaned down and but his sweat gland. Akaashi moaned a little bit under my touch. I backed away from from his neck to see a bite mark it was slightly bleeding.

(When you mark someone you can sense when their in heat and if there's another alpha pursuing them)

Me and akaashi walked to school holding hands, he had his head leaning on my shoulder.

This was a dream come true! I walked into school with a big goofy grin I was ridiculously happy.

It's been a few weeks sense I marked akaashi and we've gone on dates and had a few... heated make out sessions...

I was sitting in class when I started to smell something that smelt a lot like blueberries I realized it was a pheromone.

Akaashi! I could feel that their was an alpha with him. Anger started to grow within my body.

I ran out of my classroom I could hear my teacher yelling behind me. I didn't care akaashi was in trouble.

I followed the sent and it led me outside and to one of the storage rooms.

"STOP GET OFF ME!" Akaashi yelled obviously choking on tears

"Just shut up you stupid slut just let it happen!"

I busted through the door to akaashi tied down with his pants and boxers pulled off.

I was pissed. More than that I was livid. I pulled the guy off akaashi and punched him in the face the guy left with a bloody nose and a black eye.

I got to akaashi and untied him. He jumped on me and cried into my shoulder I let him cry..

That bastard will pay for making MY OMEGA cry. For even coming near him for even TOUCHING HIM.

I held on to akaashi. After a few minutes he got his boxers and pants on.

I decided to take akaashi home instead of staying at school.

We got to his house and we were laying on his couch I was laying on akaashi's chest I realized akaashi's pheromones were starting to get out of hand. And soon I would to...

Ok you decided what happened that night... did akaashi and bokuto do the unholy or did akaashi just take suppressants and they just cuddled? Idk you decided! 🤣

Word count: 1156

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