Ennotanaka: give me a kiss damn it!

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So I was just gonna post an announcement that I was gonna be back on my normal schedule butttt that would be an asshole move...

So now I'm just posting a chapter.

Good day.

Tanaka's pov

Damn it Ennoshita!

We've been dating for 4 months and he won't let me kisss him!!


He's gonna give me a kiss... I know he is! Well more like I'm gonna kiss him!

I walked into the club room and ennoshita was just putting on his club shirt. I walked up behind him and hugged him.

"Ennoshitaaaaaaa! I want a kiss!" I said with kissy lips

His face went red

"No way! How does someone just have the guts to ask someone that!" Ennoshita says trying to get out of my grip

"Your my boyfriend! And I want a kiss!" I said hugging him tighter

Ennoshita turned around and than he kissed me...


"That's not what I meant babe!!!" I said looking at him with a pouty face

"Well to bad that's what your gonna get!" Ennoshita said laughing and escaping my grip

"Damn you Ennoshita!" I said as he walked out of the club room blowing me a kiss

I want a kiss on the lips....

At this moment I felt like that bokuto guy. Over dramatic.

Does Ennoshita just not want to kiss me? Or maybe I should brush my teeth again... does my breath stink?!

"Dude What are you doing?" A little short libaro asked me

"I want to kiss Ennoshita! But he rejects me everytime..."

"The same thing happened with me and Asahi. He's most likely just nervous or self conscious. Your THE RYŪ you can do this man!" Noya said slapping my back.

He's right! But wait...


Noya just started laughing

"I don't know man but we are gonna be late for practice if we just keep standing here." He said looking up at me

We stood there for a moment and than bolted out the door racing to the gym.

Noya beat me.... HOW DOES A 5'2 GUY BEAT ME?!

"Haha! Ryū your so slow!" Noya said laughing

"I'm not slow! Your just a tiny ball of energy! Like Hinata!"

"Huh did someone say my name?" Hinata said falling down from mid jump.

I started laughing and so did Noya

"Hey don't laugh at me!" Hinata says as he gets up

I could see even kageyama was giggling

"KAGEYAMA! DONT LAUGH AT ME!" Hinata said waving his hands all over the place

"Ok! Let's get to practice!" Daichi said clapping his hands

His face was completely red and suga was laughing in the back ground.

ONE-SHOTS OF THY HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now