Asanoya: Really ryū?!

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Was I the only one as a kid... to watch the 'the backyard agains' ? I don't know if that's how you spell it but yea...

Or maybe the wonder pets?

I like cartoons and anime.

I like anime for breakfast lunch and dinner.

Noya's pov

I can't help but look at him... he's so cute... UGH ASAHI STOP BEING PERFECT.

Than suddenly Tanaka slid full force into my ankle. SHIT

I fell to the floor and Tanaka looked at me in shock

"Shit! I'm so sorry yuū! Is your ankle ok? Is it sprained?!" Tanaka said as the rest of the team huddled around me

"Noya-San! Are you ok?!" Hinata said almost falling face forward on the floor

My ankle hurt like hell! Damn you ryu!

"I think he just bruised it.. he should be fine but we should definitely take him to the nurses office!" Suga said looking exactly at Asahi "Asahi can carry you there no problem Noya! He's big and strong!" Suga said laughing

My face went completely red... I CANT let Asahi carry me! I'm way to heavy!

"I can walk!" I said trying to get up and stand but the moment I got up and put pressure on my ankle was the moment I fell. Asahi caught me and sat me down again

"Walk, my ass! Asahi just carry him to the nurses office." Ryū said crossing his arms

"Hey! This is all your fault!" I said pointing at him

"Asahi just carry him.. he's gonna be stubborn." Daichi said looking down at me

"F-Fine I'll take Noya to the nurse.." Asahi said. Next thing I knew I was in asahis arms... he carried me like I was nothing...

"Wow your really light Noya!" Asahi said smiling

I just blushed.. I didn't think I was light..

Me and Asahi left the gym and headed toward the nurse.

"Noya are you eating properly? Your way to light.." Asahi said looking down at me with a small blush

"Of course I eat properly! I'm way smaller than you! Of course I'm gonna be lighter.." I said snuggling into asahis chest.. he is so warm..

"N-noya are you cold?.."

"A little... Your warm..." I said cuddling my whole body into Asahi..

Asahi just blushed and looked away... cute..

We got to the nurse and he set me down on the bed. The nurse walked in and bandaged my ankle.

"I don't want you walking on it. If you do you might sprain it and that's even worse than just bruising it." The nurse explained "Asahi, do you think you can take Nishinoya home? He shouldn't go back to practice"

Asahi nodded. We had to go back to the club room to grab my things.

Asahi picked me back up and carried me back out... maybe I should invite Asahi inside for some dinner and a movie..

"A-Asahi.. u-umm I wanted t-to ask if instead of just dropping me off.. maybe we could watch a movie.." I said looking away and playing with my fingers

"Sure.. a movie sounds good!" Asahi smiled.

Once we got to my house we put our bags down and he carried me to the living room.

ONE-SHOTS OF THY HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now