Iwaoi: ill catch you

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Oikawa's pov

Shit. I don't know what to do. I want iwa-chan to hold me..

Iwa-Chan looks at me differently... he doesn't seem mad all the time. He wants to walk me home and sometimes he buys be milk bread.

Does iwa-chan like me? No... he wouldn't be that stupid to fall for a player like me...

Just as I got lost in thought I slipped and fell on my ass.

"Oikawa?!" Iwa-Chan said looking back at me and running toward me.

He helped me up.

I was so embarrassed... I slipped on nothing!

"What happened?! How did you fall?!" Iwa-chan said pulling me up

"I-I guess I got lost in thought..." I said nervously

"What wrong?" Iwa-chan said in a worried tone

"Sense when do you care if I fall?.." I said looking away and walking past him and continuing walking home.

Iwa-Chan soon joined me and we were walking in silence...


"I'll see you later iwa-Chan.." I said walking away..

I keep pushing him away when in reality I just want him close and to hold me... I'm such a jerk...

Thank god it was Friday and I don't have to see him tomorrow... What is going on with me?

I sat in my bed staring at the ceiling. Until I got a text.


Meet me in town. This isn't a question.
If you don't come Than I'll come and get you.

I looked at my phone and blushed a bit... I like it when iwa-Chan gets dominate with me.... I guess its a kink...

I got up and decided to get ready. It wasn't like I was able to deny iwa-Chan.

I finally got ready and headed out. I texted iwa-Chan what time he wanted me to show up.

I was there by 11:24 and I waited at a cute little pawn shop. I finally saw my tall and broad iwa-Chan.

He's so handsome...

"Hey iwa-chan!" I said normally like nothing happened yesterday.

"Don't you try and act like that. Tell me what's going on with you." Iwa-chan

"Come on iwa-Chan! I'm hungry let's get something to eat!" I said smiling and grabbing iwa-Chan's hand and pulling him along

What was wrong with me? Why am I pretending like nothing happened? Why was I so cold to him?... what is wrong with me?!



I ran right into a pole... why am I so clumsy?!

"Are you ok?! You ran into that pole pretty hard..." iwa-Chan said rubbing lightly where I ran into the pole...

I blushed and looked up at him... he was so close to me. He started leaning into me... was he trying to kiss me?!

I freaked out.

"We should get going..." I said getting out of iwa-Chan's grip.

We started to walk again and I felt a strange warmth on my hand.. I looked down and saw that iwa-chan grabbed my hand and was holding it.

I'm not pushing his away again...

I hold his hand and lean my head on his shoulder as we walked.

We found a little restaurant and got a seat.

I ordered a salad and iwa-Chan ordered a BLT.

We got our food and started eating, I felt iwa-Chan lightly kick my leg so I lightly kicked him back.

I payed for our food and quickly ran out of the restaurant knowing iwa-chan would scold me on paying instead of him.

I felt someone grab my hips and pull me back. And hug me.



"What are you doing?" I said blushing, he was holding me... I felt so safe.

"Can I not hug my best friend?" He said whispering in my ear

I felt a shiver run down my spin. His breath was hot and he was so warm. I snuggled back into his arms... this felt so right...

After awhile he let go but grabbed my hand again and we kept walking around.

I've never felt this way with any girls before... I live iwa-Chan in a way friends shouldn't love eachother

"I love you iwa-Chan..."






I'm screwed... he's gonna reject me... he doesn't love me the same way...

"I love you to."

"No I'm not talking about in the friend way! I love you more than that!" I said stopping with him stopping infront of me

We were walking up some stairs and I suddenly slipped backwards. I started falling down.

Iwa-Chan caught me and pulled me back up. He hugged me and I hugged him back.

"I love you more than a friend way to..."

"Really?!" I said looking up at him

I than felt soft lips on mine and kissed him back.

He broke the kiss and looked at me.

"You know your very clumsy."

"Iwa-Chan! You ruined the moment!!!!"

"I'll always catch you ya know."


"Sense you like falling ill catch you. Just tell me what's going on with you so we can solve it together ok?" Iwa-Chan said caressing my cheek.

I nodded and snuggled into his chest.

I know someone is always there to catch me when I fall.

I know this chapter sucks but I'm not home so it's weird to write... I'll be home soon and get back on my personal schedule.

Word count: 911

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