Iwaoi: hickeys?!

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Okkkk so I know I'm posting this pretty late but that's because... I don't have an excuse I was playing Zelda and watching anime.

I have to shame in my anime

⚠️ smut warning ⚠️ don't like? Don't read

Iwazumi's pov

Lately Oikawa has been looking... attractive... I'm just now noticing his perfect drown hair and his eyes... he had a nice ass to-


I'm starting to go crazy. I realize my feelings now?! Oikawa just got back together with his girlfriend and I had to feel this way? Perfect timing.

"Iwa-chan? You keep spacing out!" Oikawa said looking at me as we walk home from school.

"It's nothing"

"OMG DOES IWA-CHAN HAVE A CRUSH?!" Oikawa exclaimed "Finally!"

"No I don't Shittykawa don't jump to conclusions!" I said bonking him on his head

He made a little pouty face. UGH I HATE HOW ADORABLE HE IS

"Iwa-Chan? What's going on with you are you sick?" Oikawa presser his hand to my head.

"No I'm not Shittykawa!" I slapped his hand away and kept walking

"Ok.." Oikawa said quietly

Shit I went to far.. I messed up.

I grabbed Oikawa's hand and placed it on my forehead.

"See I'm not sick Oikawa so stop worrying."

Oikawa gave me a big smile and we continued walking

"So how are you and your girlfriend.." I said looking away from Oikawa

"If I'm gonna be honest I really don't like her"


"She complains to much and always nags about me hanging out with you so obviously she wasn't worth it"

"Oh." I said trying not to sound happy

"I know it's a rude thing to do especially sense we just started dating again. I'm gonna dump her for good this time."

"That's what you say now but I bet you'll go running back to her in like a week or so"

"No, not this time" Oikawa sounded completely serious

"Ehh what makes this time so different-"

"I like someone else" Oikawa interrupted

Oikawa liked someone else? Could this maybe be my chance?


"It's a secret!" Oikawa said putting on finger over his mouth like he was shushing someone.

He looked incredibly adorable... I felt my face heat up and looked away.

Oikawa was spending the night at my house tonight. Sense he didn't have any pajamas at my house I let him barrow some of my clothes.

We were gonna watch a movie like always we were about to start the movie when I realized we haven't eaten anything for dinner.

"Hey before we watch the movie we should order some food"

"Your right! I'll order food and you make popcorn!"

I nodded and proceeded to make popcorn. When the person got here Oikawa ran to the door. He was about to pay but I didn't let him. I ended up paying.

ONE-SHOTS OF THY HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now