Kagehina: why?..

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Ok so I might be posting this a little late but I hope I don't fall asleep 😂

Hinata's pov

Me and kageyama have been dating for about 2  months and even though we're dating we barely talk...

I really like kageyama but I wish we talked more...

When I first confessed to him he just kissed me.. it was very... romantic I guess but it didn't feel like anything it felt like a meaningless kiss.

Kageyama is starting to distance himself even more from me now...

"Teacher can I use the bathroom"

"Sure hinata"

I walked out of class the moment I closed the door tears started streaming down my face I started to walk to the bathroom.

Once I got their I saw kageyama walking out.

He just looked at me. I looked up at him with tears streaming down my face.


"KAGEYAMA!" A girl ran up to him and hooked on his arm

"Come on we have to go!"

I just pushed passed him and went into the bathroom.

I sat in one of the stalls and just cried..

What was I supposed to do? Kageyama probably doesn't even like me. He's probably only dating me out of pity..

I walked out of the stall and I bumped into someone. I didn't hear them walk in.

"Ehh are you ok?" The tall male said

"I'm fine" I wasn't looking at him I was just staring at the ground

"No your not what's going on?"

"It's a little to personal for me to just tell you.."

"Oh sorry my name is haru!"

I looked up at him he had green eyes and brown hair he was quite tall to.. well taller than me

"I'm hinata"

"Yea I know your the tiny giant! From our volleyball team!"

"You think I'm the tiny giant?.."

"YEA! With that jump of yours I wouldn't doubt it!"

"Heh thanks" haru was nice.

"Hey wanna hang out after school maybe? I can pick you up after club activities?"

"That sounds fun!"

He walked out of the bathroom and I went to wash my hands. He kinda cheered me up..

I walked back to class and started on my work again.

At practice, I practiced with suga instead of kageyama.. if he wasn't gonna put any effort into talking to me or even waving at me in the halls than why should I talk to him.

Kageyama kept glancing over at me but looking away.

"Hey I thought you and kageyama were dating what's going on with you two?" Suga said walking up to me

"At this point it's like I don't exist to him." I said looking down at the ground I was holding my water bottle and facing the wall

"Ehh What happened?!"

"He ignores me suga.. I've tried talking to him but he ignores me. I've tried waving at him in the halls but he just looks away and walks faster. Why should I put effort into him if he's not gonna do the same for me."

ONE-SHOTS OF THY HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now