Daisuga: THAT ASS

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Suga does have THAT ASS THO.

Don't lie, you know it's true.

Daichi's pov

It was the middle of practice and I heard some new guys talking about suga.

Suga is the MOST beautiful being to ever walk on earth. He has beautiful grey hair with a beauty mark by his left eye. He always smiles and is very positive.

He's so cute...


"Well you look pissed off" Asahi said patting my shoulder

"How could I not be?! Look that them! Their drooling over MY suga!"

"I don't think they know that daichi! Don't get mad at them-"

Just Than one of the new guys went up and smacked suga's ass. I've never felt more pissed in my whole life

I rolled up my sleeves and I was going to go sock this kid in the face but Asahi held me back.

Suga turned around and his face was red and full of embarrassment. I SWEAR ONE MORE FINGER ON SUGA AND THEY ARE ALL GETTING KICKED OUT OF THE CLUB.

Suga was trying to tell them off. I finally broke free from Asahi and stomped over to suga. I smiled at suga but than turned my head over to glare at these kids. I than kissed suga and he kissed me back and giggled.

Now they know that suga is MINE if they dare to put one more finger on suga I will rip them to shreds.

"It's ok daichi I don't think their gonna come back for seconds!" Suga smiled wrapping his arms around my neck.

I looked over at the guys and they were all whispering and glancing over at me and suga. Keep your eyes to yourselves.

I think these guys forget who's captain.

Practice ended and me and suga walked to the club room. While suga was changing I made sure non of those guys could see, Asahi also helped me.

Those damn pervs are gonna end up either getting kicked out of the club or getting their ass whooped by me. It's really their choice.

Me suga and Asahi we're walking home when suga looked back behind us and than immediately looked forward, he looked nervous...

I looked behind us to see non other Than 2 of the new guys following us, more specifically suga. I swear-

"Daichi do you think I could crash at your place tonight... I don't want those guys knowing where I live..."

"I don't have a problem with it." I said glaring back at them.

Me and suga separated from Asahi and walked to my place, along the way I got ahold of suga's ass once or twice. I understand why the guys slapped it but I think they forget that this is MY ass not theirs. And they need to keep their hands OFF.

We arrived at my house and we walked in, we went to the front window of my house to see the two guys whispering and than walking away.

"I'm going to kick those guys out of the club tomorrow."

"Really?! Why?" Suga asked looking up at me with curiosity in his eyes

"They sexually harassed you and than attempted to FOLLOW you home. What would have happened if you didn't come here instead?! What if they rap-"

"Ok, ok I get it.. but are you really that jealous?" Suga giggled

"N-no! Why would I-you think that?!" I blushed, Crap... I know I'm jealous! But I can't just tell him that..

"Aww your so cute!" Suga said grabbing my face and pulling me down for a kiss

Suga is so cute... he always gives me this kind of affection... I love my suga

Me and suga started to make out. Suga had his hair tangled in my hair and my hands were slipping down his pants, I got ahold of suga's ass....

Now I can see why those guys slapped it. Suga's ass is huge.. I can't even grab his whole ass because of it.. shit. I need to stop before I get a boner.

I broke the kiss and slipped my hands out of suga's pants, suga whined at the lose of contact. I just smiled at him.

"Daichi!" Suga than pushed me away

"I'm sorry suga but my parents are home and if I get a boner I won't be able to...
Hold back." I grabbing his hips from behind and pulled him toward me. "Suga~" I whispered in his ear

I could feel suga flinch below me and shudder.

It's true my parents were home and if me and suga were to have sex than they would most definitely hear. And no one and I mean NO ONE gets to hear suga moan besides me.

Suga than giggled and we headed up stairs to my room to get some sleep. Sense me and suga were dating there was no use for a futon.

I changed my clothes and so did suga, we laid down and soon fell asleep in eachothers arms.

Once after school practice came along I finally got around to telling the coaches on what was happening, they said that they couldn't kick them officially out until tomorrow. Damn.

I was about to walk over to suga when he was no where to be found.... suga?

I walked to the storage closet and looked inside. The guys were groping suga. Suga looked pissed.

"Do you guys feel this ass? It's so big.." one of the guys said

"Even though he's our senpai he's on the smaller side."

"Yea but his ass isn't!" They all laughed

"Get off of him." I glared at the guys

They all looked over at the entrance of the storage closet door.

"S-Sorry captain!" They all yelled in unison and left.


Suga turned around and he had a few tears running down his face.

"Ah! Sorry! I'll get back to practice." Suga was about to walk out of the door when I interrupted him.

"I promise they won't get away with his. You won't have to see them anymore i promise you."

Suga just kissed my cheek and ran off, I promise suga they won't touch you again.

I walked up to the coaches once more and explained what had happened in the storage closet. They both looked at eachother and Than excused me and than called over the guys from earlier. They ended up getting kicked out for sexually harassing suga.

"Suga-san! Did they really harass you?!" Noya and Hinata said running up to me and suga.

"Shouldn't you guys be practicing? I mean Hinata your spike looks pretty sloppy and noya you should be working on receiving outside of court." Suga said putting his hands on his hips and smirking

Hinata and noya looked at eachother and smiled and than ran off to practice.

"You are so sly.." I said hugging suga from behind.

"Hehe I know!" Suga smiled

But no matter what I couldn't take my eyes off of his ass... damn I want it..

"You know my eyes are up here daichi!" Suga said turning around m

I quickly panicked

"Crap! I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't stare.." I was completely embarrassed...

"Geez you had your hands down my pants yesterday and you apologizing for looking at my butt? Your so weird daichi!" Suga said laughing and walking away, he purposely swung his hips to make his ass bounce.

Damn that ass!

Yes. You know suga has a nice ass, don't lie to yourself. We all saw it, and it's canon.

Word count: 1274

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