Tsukiyama: THAT BASTARD!

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And another fem x top

I know I'm classy and 100% original.



Yamaguchi's pov

I have a weird feeling... when I'm at school... a teacher keeps asking me for help over and over again.

I'm not even in his class... he's a 3rd year teacher...

His name is Mr. Dosei...


"Huh? Oh! Gomen Tsuki!" I said with a smile on my face

"What does that teacher want from you."

"He just needs some help is all!"

"He has plenty of 3rd years who can help him out. He doesn't need you."


Nether do you.

I just looked away and at the ground. Tsuki is always so mean... he always tells me to shut up or he just ignores me...

I sighed and continued walking to my next class.

"I'll see you in a bit tsuki!" I waved bye for now, we have gym class next.

It was summer time and we were running laps outside. Today Mr. Dosei was helping with gym class.

"Good afternoon yamaguchi." Mr. Dosei greeted me

"Good afternoon Sensei!" I said with a bright smile

Most girls at my school thought Mr. Dosei was 'hot' I don't really see it though... I think it's because he's an adult.

"Your looking good yama.." sansei said with a smile

"Thanks.." I walked away after that..

That was weird... that was extremely beyond weird... what kind of teacher just tells you that you 'look good'. Maybe I'm just freaking out over nothing..

Tsuki's pov

"Dude! No way! Mr. Dosei was totally checking out yamaguchi!" A guy exclaimed

"Really?! I mean she does have some pretty big boobs..." another guy drooled

I glared at both of them and they ran away. I looked over at Mr. Dosei and he was staring directly at yama... that bastard better get his perverted eyes of yama before I bash his skull in.

I walked over to Yamaguchi and started talking to her. I quickly gave a glare and a smirk at Mr. Dosei. He glared at me back and walked away.

"Hmm? What was that about?" Yama looked at me with her perfect brown eyes that were glimmering in the sun..

"N-nothing" I blushed and looked away.

Yamaguchi doesn't know it, but she has me wrapped around her finger.

"Are you sure?

"I'm sure, don't worry about it ok?" I said putting my hand on her head and smiling at her, she blushed and looked away... cute.

I glanced back over to Mr. Dosei, he was staring right at yamaguchi.


That damn bastard can't keep his eyes to himself. And it's gonna start to piss me off.

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