Daisuga: fate pt. 2

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Ok here's part 2!

No I'm not an asshole and forgets to put out a part 2.


Daichi's pov

Damn.. this is awkward...

"Sawamura! I've been looking for you! Where have you been!" Komori said with a worried look and leaning into my chest "I missed you.."

"To bad I didn't miss you." I than pushed him off my chest. "Suga lets go get some ice cream! I heard about this really good shop down the road!" I said grabbing suga's hand and walked away

"Sawamura! Please wait! Back than I was stupid! And immature! I still love you.." Komori said with a blush

"To bad I don't love you. I don't respect people who cheat. You knew this and yet guess what you did? You cheated." I know I'm being cold to him but you can't really blame me


"You know if someone says they don't love you anymore, isn't that a sign to give up or I don't know... leave them alone." Suga said pulling me away from Komori.

"Thank you suga.." I whispered

"I hate people who cheat."

I was confused-

"If you don't like someone than just dump them. Don't stay with them. It only hurts people more. I don't expect you to tell me the whole story about you and him... but I know that he's a cheater and you obviously didn't want to be around him.." suga looked at me and smiled

I blushed... suga really doesn't like cheaters doesn't he?... maybe someone has cheated on him to... maybe I'm not the only one...

We continued walking hand in hand when suga Than fell backwards.

"You bitch! You stole my sawamura!" Komori yelled, he had a grip on suga's hair

"Komori let GO." I was pissed... how could someone put there hands on another individual like that?!

"No! He stole you from me! You said one day we would get married! You promised me!" Komori cried

"I don't marry cheaters!" I than grabbed Komori and flung him back so he let go of suga. I helped suga up and picked up the flower that fell out of his hair and put it back in.. "I'm so sorry... he's just crazy.. let's go.." I smiled and so did suga.. we left Komori behind for good.

"I'll buy you ice cream to make up for Komori!" I grabbed suga's hand again and pulled him along to the ice cream shop that I was talking about earlier.

We walked in and went up to the front counter.

"Hello! What can I get you!" The lady said with a big smile on her face

"I'll take a strawberry ice cream" suga said

"I'll take mint"

We got our ice cream and I paid for it.. it was a little harder than I thought it would be... suga tried to pay secretly. But I caught him before he could.

We walked out of the store and decided to go to the beach. Suga warned me that he couldn't go into the water.

We got to the beach and started to run around after we finished our ice cream. I caught suga and picked him up over my shoulder and started running along the beach.

"Daichi! Hahaha! Put me down!" Suga laughed

I just ran faster. for a man, suga is very light. I finally put suga down and we just laughed and caught our breaths.

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