Daisuga: attention

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Hiiiii happy late Halloween 🎃!

I didn't get to post last night because I was at a party. And well I could have but super smash bros was a big deal ok?! 😆

Enjoy the chapter

Daichi's pov

Damn it... me and suga haven't gotten alone time in 2 full weeks.. it's starting to piss me off.

Every time I think me and suga are alone someone always comes in a ruins everything.


"Hey Asahi can I ask you a favor?" I said walking over to the dark haired giant

"Hmm? sure!"

"I really want some alone time with suga so could you keep everyone in practice. I'm taking suga out."

"Ehh?! You want me to host today's practice?!"

I nodded.

"Ok fine... but you owe me pork buns!"

"Sure! Just keep everyone busy." I said walking toward suga.

Suga was talking to kageyama and hinata giving some advice to them about their quick attack.

I walked up behind him and grabbed us waist and kissing his cheek.

"Daichi! We're in practice!" Suga said giggling

"Nope me and you are leaving."


I than dragged suga out of the gym.


I didn't respond I just kept dragging him to the club room.

We got into the club room and I told him to change into some normal clothes, we always kept a pair of casual clothes in our gym lockers just in case.

I was wearing a white t-shirt and a black over jacket and suga was wearing cute overalls and a cropped pink shirt under.

God he looked perfect...

I grabbed his hips and pulled him toward me.

I lightly kissed him and he kissed back. Finally some privacy...

"Come on suga we're going on a date!" I said intertwining our fingers and pulling him out of the club room.

A while later and we finally reached town. I took suga to a little café that we loved.

"Hey suga I'll be right back stay here" I said getting up from our table and walking to the bathrooms.

Suga's pov

I was sitting and waiting for daichi to get out of the bathrooms when 3 guys walked up to me.

"Hey I see your all alone here.. mind if I get your number cutie" the guy in the front said.

I was flattered that someone wanted my number but how sad... my heart belonged to a certain captain of the boys volleyball team.

"I'm flattered!, but I'm not alone and definitely not single" I said resting my cheek on my hand.

"That doesn't matter right now.. it's just a number! What's the harm done?" The guy said

"Look I don't want to give you my number! It's a simple as that!" I said kind of annoyed

The guy started getting really close to my face and I tried to push him away from me but I couldn't.

How did no one notice what's going on?! Oh wait... their wasn't anyone else here. And the workers were in the back.


"Get off me!" I said. They guy was really close to my face and was about to kiss me when someone grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back.


"What the hell do you think your doing with my boyfriend?!" Daichi said with his pissed off face.

"Ehh?! So your the cuties boyfriend? Ha maybe he should look into getting me instead of... you.

The guy was pretty tall but not taller than daichi. He wasn't as buff as daichi either. If anything he'd be a down grade.

"Please if anything you'd be a down-grade to what I have now" I said fixing my clothing up.

The guy snarled at me and Than left with his friends.

"Sorry about that daichi... I didn't mean to ruin our date.."

I felt so guilty for messsing everything up for daichi..

"How did you ruin it? By being drop dead gorgeous? I think not. You didn't ruin anything suga.." daichi said kissing me passionately

I loved daichi so much. He never blamed me for anything even if it was my fault...

He sat down and we started talking until our drinks came out.

I ordered a strawberry milkshake and daichi ordered a chi tea.

After we finished I knew daichi was gonna deny me paying so I quickly slapped down the money and left with daichi.


I turned around

"No! You pay for me everytime! I wanna pay to daichi!" I said with a stern voice

"That's the point! You don't need to pay. I enjoy paying for you suga!"

I leaned up and kissed daichi.

"Your to sweet daichi... But no. I'm paying once and awhile." I said grabbing his hand and continuing walking.

After awhile daichi walked me home for the night and left.

The next day at morning practice daichi was being very needy. He wanted my attention 24/7.

Daichi's pov

Damn it suga! Pay attention to me! Ugh I crave your attention...!

"Sugaaaaa I want a hug!" I said opening up my arms and capturing suga in them.

"Daichi! We need to practice!"

"I don't care!" I said kissing his neck

I heard him whimper under me... god suga you even sounds gorgeous...

I finally let suga go and we started up a practice match.

I couldn't stop staring at suga's ass. His ass kept bouncing in his shorts and it showed.

Suga looked so good right now...

After the practice match suga was sitting down and drinking some water. I sat right behind him and pulled him into me.



"Your so needy today! What's going on?" Suga said looking back at me.

"I guess I really want your attention..."

Suga laughed and kissed me.. I love having suga pay attention to me and nothing else.

Trash! I know trust me. Anywayyyyyy yayyyy another chapter!!!!!!!!

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