Kuroken: scars that never heal

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Why do I keep saying that I'm gonna post in the mornings when I like never post in the mornings? Idk don't ask me.

Day idfk I lost count: I've decided to eat a think called 'whole wheat bread' and let me tell you.

It wasn't different it's just bread

Kuroo's pov

Kenma has been acting... weird

He doesn't talk anymore and I mean he just doesn't talk anymore.

After practice he just disappears. Where does he go?

I walked out of the club room and started to look around.

Usually me and kenma would walk home together, but now he won't even talk to me...

Every time I think about kenma ignoring me or disappearing my chest feels heavy..

I know I have a crush on kenma. I have for the past 3 years. He's been my best friend sense I was 7.

I miss hearing his voice... or when I could actually make him laugh... I miss those days.

I start walking to the train station.

I wasn't going home.

I'm going to kenma's house. I NEED to know what's going on.

I get off the train and start walking to kenma's house.

Once I got their I just walked in. Kenma's mom doesn't mind me coming in sense we've know eachother sense forever.

"Oh hey Kuro!" Kenma's mom says coming out of the kitchen

"Hey is kenma home?"

"Ahh Yes he just got home about 15 minutes ago he's in his room!"

I started walking up to kenma's room.

I knocked on the door.

"Kenma can I come in?"

No reply.

I walk into kenma's room it was clean like always. I walked to his bathroom door.

The light was on.

"Kenma I know you in their"

Still no reply.

He turned off the light.

"Kenma I already know your in there can you at least tell me what's going on? I'm worried about you" I said in a worried tone

"I'm fine." Kenma said from the other side of the door.

Finally he speaks!

"You need to go Kuroo"

"Why what's going on?! If you don't open this door I'm coming in forcefully."

"I-I'm sick?"

"You can't lie to me kenma. Your bad at it. Open the door"

"No just go away"

"Kenma! What's going on!?"

I heard shuffling inside the bathroom.

"It's nothing Kuroo just go."


Out of frustration, I just left. I wish I hadn't. I want to know why kenma's being so distant...

I just want to see the normal kenma again...

It's been a few weeks and me and kenma haven't talked at all.

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