Sakuatsu: i love YOU.

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This will be my first sakuatsu! I was looking through the ships I've already done and thought it would be fun to try this out!

THANK YOU FOR 3K READSSSS🎊🎉🎀 this really means a lot to me! I enjoy reading your guys comments! You guys are hilarious 😂

Atsumu's pov

Damn it what do I do?! I don't think omi-kun likes me... is he just using me?...

He never gives me affection and I'm scared that he's gonna leave me... what if he does and I'm all alone?! What will I do then?! What if he kicks me out of our house?! What if he's cheating on me?!

I couldn't sleep... I sat up and looked over to omi-kun, he was soundly sleeping.. he always kept his distance from me... I know he's a Germafobe but I'm his lover! Shouldn't we have Mutual trust in eachother?

I got up from bed and moved to the couch. My anxiety was threw the roof and I felt like crying...


Because it's like me and omi aren't even dating! He never kissed me like he used to and he doesn't even give me the time of day. What am I supposed to do?

I laid down on the couch and finally set my mind at ease and fell asleep..

I guess I just can't sleep in the same room as omi anymore... well not until I figure out my own thoughts.

I woke up to an empty house and the car gone... where was he?

I tried calling him... no answer.

I tried texting him... no answer.

I needed time alone for a bit... where was omi? Why did he leave? What was going on?!

I started feeling my chest tighten and my heart break. What for?! Why did I feel so emotionally destroyed?!

I needed to get away for awhile...

I walked into me and omi's room and grabbed clothes and my tooth brush and shoved them in my bag.

I wasn't moving out, I was taking a break. I'm mentally exhausted and I haven't been able to get much sleep. I'm emotionally and physically exhausted.

I walked out the door, Sense omi took the car I walked to the train station.

I pulled out my phone and rented a hotel room for me to live in for awhile.

I know I should talk to omi about this but how do you talk to someone if they don't even want to be near you? Exactly. You can't.

I finally reached my hotel room and set everything down. My mind already felt at ease...

I shut off my phone and flopped on the bed and soon fell asleep. My mind finally felt clear of all the self inflicted emotional damage.

Sakuza's pov

I got home after going out to pick up some grocery's.

"Atsumu! I'm home." I said

No response.


I went to our bedroom and didn't find him. I checked our bathroom and the living room. I checked everywhere...

Where was my Atsumu?...

I looked at my phone and saw 5 missed calls and 3 text messages all from Atsumu.

I tried calling him but he didn't answer... where was he?!

I started to panic.

What if someone kidnapped him?! And maybe he's being (sorrryyyyy) raped?!

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