Daisuga: "perfect"

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Okkk so I'm just writing the ships I want so I wanna hear some suggestions on what you guys wanna see! Anyway enjoy the chapter

Daichi's pov (Yes I know I started with him last time just go with it Ū^Ū)

"Hey daichi!" Michimiya said while jogging toward me

"Oh hey michimiya" I said turning away from suga to face michimiya

"H-hey I was wondering if you know.. umm are doing anything after practice today?" He said with a light blush on her face

"Hmm well me and suga we're gonna go to the movies after practice" I said hoping that would end the conversation, why did I want to end the conversation? I don't know but I've lately realized that I really enjoy talking to suga he's so positive about everything.

"Oh than can I join you guys?" She said looking at suga and than me. I don't know why but I just wanted to be alone with suga

"Me and sug-"

"The more the Marier!" Suga said with a smile

Damn it!

Suga's pov

We were walking to the theater and michimiya was standing in the middle separating me and daichi. I noticed that if I tried to speak michimiya would just cut me off so I didn't try to speak I just stayed quiet unless I was spoken to.

We got to the theaters and we got our tickets and popcorn and soda and sat down in our seats I was sitting in between daichi and michimiya.

"Hey suga can I sit where you are this guy infront of me is to tall I can't see" michimiya whispered to me

"Oh sure here" I whispered back and got out of my seat and sat where michimiya was sitting.

The movie ended and michimiya was talking about how the movie could have been better... it was me and daichi's favorite movie..

We went to get some ice cream at a near by convenient store but I told them I'd wait outside. I didn't wait.

I walked home.

I wanted to leave.

I obviously didn't belong their.

Anyone could have seen it.

I was 3rd wheeling..

I got home showered and changed than I got a call from daichi I didn't know what to do I told him I would wait but I walked away instead.

I ignored the call

I wasn't upset that I was 3rd wheeling no it wasn't that it was more like what was the point of being their. Their wasn't a point I was their for show so I left. Thank god it was the weekend I didn't have to face daichi yet.

The weekend went by quickly and I was disappointed I was exhausted I had studied all weekend to catch up on finals that were coming up.

I walked to school alone today. Their was no morning practice today because of Maintenance so I came to school at a good time than daichi walked up to me once I entered my classroom

"Hey where did you go on Friday? I've been trying to call you all weekend!" He said looking at me directly in my eyes

"Oh I left because I felt like a 3rd wheel and their was no point of me being their so I went home to study" I said with my normal smile but it felt harder to put on...

"EHH you-"

"Daichi! Can I barrow some notes from you? I left mine at home" michimiya said walking into the classroom

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