Ennotana: your such a flirt.

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Okkk so I might start a kuroken book or idk I just like the ship or maybe daisuga which one would you guys want to read?

Day 69, I still haven't become a fucking piece of bread 🥯

Tanaka's pov

It was a normal day, I was trying to get kiokyo's  attention like normal but lately I haven't really wanted her attention it's just a daily thing that I do.

Me and ennoshita have been hanging out more he's not much of a nerd once you hang out with him outside of school.

Today I didn't even try flirting with kiokyo I didn't feel like i used to towards her. I don't like kiyoko anymore.

Me and ennoshita were going to see a movie it was of course horror and usually I wouldn't want to see it but strangely I wanted to impress ennoshita by going.

Why do I want to impress ennoshita?

As I see ennoshita walk up to me I noticed that he was wearing black leggings with shorts and a green long sleeve shirt with a beanie

He looked cute..


I'm just gonna ignore that.

I was wearing a black shirt with a blue and black flannel with blue ripped up jeans.

We walked into the theater and got popcorn, soda and some snacks

"Aww are you and your boyfriend going to see a  movie together that's so cute!" The cashier behind the counter said.

"B-boyfriend?! We're just friends!" Ennoshita said

Why did I feel a pain in my chests when he said that.

We walked into the movie theater and sat down. The movie started and their was a jump scare at the beginning I jumped and ennoshita laughed at me.. he looked like an angel..

During the movie ennoshita laughed when someone died or a jump scare came on.

"That was funny!" Ennoshita said walking out of the cinema

"That was a HORROR movie not a comedy ennoshita" I said looking at him

"Well it was stupid to go off on your own when their is a mass killer and your mentally aware of it but you think it's a good idea to SPLIT UP" Ennoshita said I just laughed

"Well thanks for taking me to that movie Tanaka I had a lot of fun" Ennoshita said on the step of his door.

"I did to! We should do this again" I said I could feel a light blush form on my face

Why was I blushing?

"Yea we should!" He looked so perfect it was sunset and the setting sun was hitting ennoshita's face perfectly... that's when I realized...

I like ennoshita.

I woke up to my annoying alarm clock and climbed out of my bed I was exhausted. I just found out I liked one of my teammates that was a GUY and being gay isn't bad or anything I mean daichi and suga are together and so are noya and Asahi but I just never thought of myself as gay before I mean I always liked kiyoko so I guess I was maybe bisexual?

I got out of bed and got dressed.

I went to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal because I don't know how to cook and I was to lazy to learn.

I walked out the door and soon met up with noya.

"So me and ennoshita hung out yesterday"


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