Mattsuhana: train

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Okkk so I haven't done a mattsuhana book in like.... IDK I just haven't done it recently so this is it my fellow doofuses!

Mattsun's pov

"Yo makki!" I said running over to the pink haired cutie

"Oh wassup mattsun!"

"Nothing much I just wanted to know if maybe you wanted to hit the town this weekend? As like a bros date?" I can't believe I just called it a date! I'm so dumb..

"Hmm? Sure! Sounds good. It's a date!" Makki said walking away.

That boy has me wrapped around his finger... and I don't mind one bit... I love it...

Me Oikawa, iwazumi and makki were walking home together. Oikawa and iwazumi were obviously flirting and me and makki were walking behind them giggling

"Dude when is iwazumi gonna grow the balls to ask out Oikawa!" Makki said

"Don't know man but it's gotta be soon or else Oikawa is gonna end up moving on!"

"Should we tell him that just to scare him?" Makki said laughing a bit.. his smile is so cute!

"Yea I'll go talk to him maybe we can even watch the confession!" I said jogging up to iwazumi

"Yo iwazumi can I talk to you?"


"Sorry Oikawa I've got to steal iwazumi real quick" I said winking at Oikawa

He just laughed and started to walk with makki. Me and iwazumi were ahead of them, far enough to where they couldn't hear us

"Soooo we know you like Oikawa"

"Who told you that?"

"It's obvious! But you should ask him out soon!"

"No way he'll reject me for sure I'm pretty sure he's not gay"

I facepalmed and slowly slid my hand down my face

"Dude you are so blind! He totally has a crush on you! Your just and idiot!"

"Really?! You think so?!"

"I know so! Buttttttt if you don't ask him out soon, maybe a handsome blonde blue eyed prince will come along and take your Oikawa right out of your arms and than they will fly away into the sunset" I said like I was telling a little kid a story

"He wouldn't leave me like that"

"He would unless you ask him out! Like NOW"


That wasn't hard at all... DAMN IWAZUMI YOUR TO EASY!

"Me and makki will give you your privacy!"

Me and iwazumi walked back to makki and Oikawa, I grabbed makki's wrist and started dragging him toward our houses.

"Did it work?"

"Like a charm!" I said winking at him and smirking

"Ha! Bet their gonna come to school tomorrow and say that their dating!"

"Bet!" We both laughed and continued walking home.

"See ya mattsun!"

"See ya!"

We both waved goodbye to eachother and started walking different directions

I looked back and saw makki's ass... it was so round... and-

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