Bokoaka: Why him and not me?..

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Umm hey thanks for checking in I'm IM STILL A PIECE OF GARBAGE. Please enjoy the chapter 😂

3rd person

It was a normal morning practice Bokuto was in his "Emo" phase and told akaashi not to pass to him akaashi didn't really care that Bokuto was in his little "phase" because when he did Bokuto would just get more needy so the first year just ignores his antics and doesn't pass to him and well that didn't settle with Bokuto, he wanted akaashi's attention he always did.

Bokuto's pov

Why won't akaashi pay attention to me? I thought MAYBE I could get his attention but he's so stubborn!
"AkAsHiIiI!!! I want you to toss to me now!"
"Sure Bokuto-san" he said with his normal blank stare. HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!! Ugh I like him so much I don't know what to do, he has those pretty deep blue eyes along with his jet black hair UGH HE'S DRIVING ME CRAZY!

3rd person (again)

Bokuto keeps getting distracted by the 1st year, of course akaashi didn't realize the 3rd year looking his way. Everything was going great until "HE" walked in Bokuto felt a rage inside of him. They boy was a 2nd year tall and handsome he had light brown hair and green eyes. No doubt Bokuto was jealous of the man not because of his looks but because he got akaashis attention the attention HE wanted. Akaashi walked over to greet the brunette. The 2nd year had a light blush on his face, akaashi didn't look at him any differently than anyone else.
"Akio-kun what are you doing here?"
"O-oh umm I wanted to give you this!" It was Bokuto's worst nightmare the brunette was giving him a love letter akaashi looked shocked but he wasn't blushing at all if anything his face went a bit pale..
"I-i want you to meet me at lunch a-and tell me your answer ah! If you know your answer that is! Umm I have to go bye!"
He left in a hurry akaashi stood there still a little shocked at the 2nd years love letter.

Bokuto wanted to rip him apart he had steam blowing out of his ears and his face was red with anger he was about to say something when akaashi walked to the bench and opened the letter he started to read it, Bokuto didn't want akaashi to like this "akio" he wanted akaashi to like him! Akaashi read the letter Bokuto keeping a close watch on him to make sure he wasn't blushing or smiling at the letter but that didn't happen akaashi found a photo within the letter and blushed at it, Bokuto couldn't feel just rage he felt sad that maybe he just lost akaashi. What if he quits the volleyball club for him? Or maybe get married to him! Bokuto was overreacting and let his emotions take control of him. His team didn't know what was happening to Bokuto he was more bi-polar than normal and THAT alone was saying something, soon akaashi put the photo back in the envelope and with the letter as well he quickly put it away and went back to practice.

After practice Bokuto was walking with akaashi to his class when he saw the SAME brunette stalking akaashi. Bokuto wanted to point him out and would have if akaashi looked at Bokuto and giggled at the 3rd years joke a few seconds ago. His smile is so beautiful, Bokuto thought as he looked at akaashi and blushed, whenever Bokuto saw akaashi's rare smile or heard his laugh he couldn't feel anything but a warm feeling in his chest especially when he was the one to influence that smile/laugh. They soon went their separate ways and went to class.

It was lunch time and Bokuto was walking to the place he usually met up with akaashi and when he turned the corner and saw akaashi talking to the brunette the second year looked hurt and than yelled,
Akaashi was shocked by him yelling. The male than grabbed akaashi and slammed him against a wall he was taller than the 1st year so he had to trouble keeping akaashi where he was,
"Maybe I can MAKE you like me" he said while licking his lips. That was the last straw for Bokuto he marched over to the brunette and grabbed him by his shoulder,
"I'll give you 3 seconds to let him go before I do something we'll both regret"
This was the first time akaashi saw Bokuto truly well. Mad. The 2nd year left quickly,
"AkAsHiIiIiIiI you scared me!!!"
"How did I scare you Bokuto-san?"
Akaashi didn't know how HE scared Bokuto it was more like Bokuto scaring akio away,
"I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA DIE!" Said while raising his arms in the air flailing the around,
"How was I gonna die Bokuto-san"
Akaashi said with a very sarcastic tone.
"I don't know but I'm suspicious of that guy" Bokuto was back to him self now that akio wasn't around.
"Anyway what was he talking about he said something along the lines of 'why him not me'"
"It's nothing Bokuto-san let's eat our lunch" they sat at a bench and ate their lunch Bokuto being the over dramatic baby he his almost cried when akaashi didn't feed him.

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