Sakuatsu: storage closet

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Enjoy thy chapter my little dogs. You all are my dogs now because YALL BARK SO MUCH IN THE COMMENTS SO THATS RIGHT YALL ARE MY DOGS SO RUFF RUFF GRRR


Sakusas pov

I can't believe I just did that... I can't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing..

I just made out with a guy named atsumu in the storage closet at training camp.. I mean I think he's cute... and he's a pretty good setter... but I just made out with him..

His lips were so soft.. and it didn't feel... gross, I even touched him... like.. groped him.. am I a perv now?!

I can never forget the feeling of his ass in my hands.

I started to day dream and ended up getting hit in the face with a volleyball.

After someone apologized for hitting me I looked over to see atsumu giggling at me, he was leaning on a basket, his ass looked so good-

Damn it I need to get my head back in the game.. I walked away with my face completely red, I can see that satisfied atsumu.

I was walking down the hall after I had just taken a shower from all the dirty and disgusting germs and people touching me all day, I than bumped into a blonde cutie. Atsumu.

"Hey sakusa" he smiled brightly at me

"Hey atsumu.." I tried to hide my smile but it was so damn hard.

"Follow me..." atsumu grabbed my hand and pulled me along side him.

It was dark out, about 10:46 and everyone was already asleep or going to sleep.

We walked down the hall hand and hand, I intertwined our fingers and pulled him a bit closer, I don't feel so uncomfortable with him around, if anything he makes me more comfortable..

We finally got to the storage closet, the place where this all began.

He pulled me inside and locked the door behind us. I was the first one to make a move, I pulled him closer and held onto his waist. He reached his arms up and around my neck.

"Hmm... what happened to 'Mr. clean freak'?" Atsumu teased. "I would have though you would have sprayed Lysol all over me before you even touched me or maybe you would have had your mask on-"

I cut him off by kissing him, I love it when he talks to be but right now I just want to kiss him.. it's what I've been craving all day.

I could feel him smile into the kiss, he slowly slid his hands to my chest and than back up again, he was shorter than me so it was a little bit hard to kiss him, I picked him up and sat him on some stacked mats and sat between his legs continuing our make out session.

I slowly slid my hands up his shirt and played with his chest, he moaned a bit and I smiled loving the sound that he was making.

I got him to moan one more time and slipped my tongue inside his mouth. I can tell he was surprised but I only pulled him closer.

Atsumu's pov

I was making out with sakusa AGAIN I never thought I would have the courage to take him back here..

Heck I never even thought he would kiss me like this.. it felt so meaningful.. I can tell he waited all day for this..

"W-Wait sakusa!" I moaned as he started to kiss down my neck.

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